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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Comes over as more like a doormat!
  2. You never know what is happening in a relationship, it could have been genuine and being apart for a while could have given them both the space to re-think their positions or it could have just been a con!
  3. Very true! And if anybody can give FACTS that prove this speculation wrong I will be happy to accept it!
  4. No. But Martina could be pretty inexperienced and may be wondering what she has missed so could explain her curiosity now. Anyway it is between them and the boundaries of their relationship and just pure speculation on my part, like the majority of comments on this forum.
  5. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 15 or younger in Spain are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape or the equivalent local law.
  6. A 14 year old girl with a 19 year old man would be suspicious but it is their life and their relationship so who am I to judge!
  7. So 10 years ago he was 19 and she was 14? In my country, yes, that makes him a peodophile!
  8. If she has been with Alberto for 10 years and she is only 24 years old, what does that make him? A peodophile?
  9. Maybe when (IF) they come back we should all ignore this place for the same length of time they ignored us! Seems fair.
  10. So the most regular, repetitive thing you do is to spend time on here? Doesn't the fact that, according to you, nothing different ever happens means that it is boring? Just asking!
  11. It must be wonderful to have an ever changing life that is full of surprises and originality.
  12. For someone who never has anything positive to say about any tenant you seem to spend an awful amount of time watching the free cams!
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