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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. We've read your comments 1000 times - "If you don't like it go somewhere else"
  2. New girl all in black does not like the cameras!
  3. Never seen Dean behave himself so much for so long.
  4. Maybe saw the viewing figures for the apartment?
  5. Can anybody tell whats going on in the bedroom?
  6. What evidence? He was just giving her his phone number
  7. So she is now untying him after taking the condom off.! Is it all over?
  8. Maybe he got a copy of "The Swingers Rules Handbook"?
  9. Has anybody else noticed how Dean is making sure he is paying attention to Candy?
  10. Sorry Tweety, I'm on my phone, she is just tying him up at the moment!
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