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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Maybe she has just had enough of living her life on camera?
  2. After that performance are you sure it was a privilege, looked more like a punishment to me
  3. She may be desperate for any kind of outside contact
  4. I have been both a freeloader and a subscriber so I appreciate what you are saying, the free cams are not as good as they were but they have no obligation to provide good views of any action free so the choice is yours if you want to see more.
  5. They don't have to provide any free cams, if you are not happy with what you can see for free then subscribe, if you want to watch for free then you have to accept what is provided!
  6. Washing her pussy, getting ready for action or just bateing?
  7. You mean when they are checking the angle of the view?
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