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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. RLC seem to be doing ok. I must admit I was a subscriber there for 6 months, felt a lot longer!
  2. I thought it was Rapunzel but then I realised she was showing a bit of skin and maybe a hint of cleavage so I knew it couldn't be.
  3. Gasp! Do you mean getting paid for views when she has sex? Surely not!
  4. Probably the most intelligent comment you have made to me.
  5. Sorry Jabbath are you saying you are employed by VH?
  6. Did that include not employing people to try to steer the forum?
  7. Obviously not just my moral standards, read the comments , its not just me unhappy at your beloved site.
  8. Why? Because some members of this forum are showing they have a moral standard?
  9. Seemed to be the feeling of the majority of people but do you agree that VH have enabled George to carry on and should therefore accept responsibility for his future behaviour?
  10. So do you support VH becoming an enabler of domestic abuse in the case of George as there is plenty of evidence? Just interested.
  11. While the tenants income is based on views (and of course the managers cut of that income) it will go further and further in that direction.
  12. I just meant it is nice to see two people doing something totally normal after all the drama in various apartments over the last 24 hours.
  13. I don't think he is referring to this site with this comment, I think he means in the sex trade generally.
  14. So she should be given the benefit of the doubt surely?
  15. As none of us knows whats going on most of the time people will always form their own opinions (2 + 2 = 5)
  16. I wonder if they have an activity planner on the bedroom wall to keep track of it all?
  17. But of course they are all grown women and consenting! Aren't they?
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