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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. No, I hope only Mary comes back online tomorrow
  2. This is the reply I got from VH "We consider this behavior unacceptable. We condemn him. Violence is unacceptable on our project. We will definitely take action." Be interesting to see what they do considering the precedent they set with Dean.
  3. VH can't let him back in, her physical wellbeing is in jeopardy but I agree she should stay if she wishes to.
  4. You could tell from her response and reaction that the violence was a pattern of behaviour in this relationship and is unlikely to change while they are together. Domestic abusers abuse!
  5. Hopefully VH will now lay down and publish clear guidelines on how violent incident will be treated.
  6. I agree violence should never be condoned but this guy was different from Dean because he was absolutely vicious and you could tell from her reaction that it wasn't the first time he had beaten her!
  7. Jeka obviously didn't check this guy out. Hope VH hit Jeka with a big fine. Too much violence on this site at the moment!
  8. Seems harsh to kick her out because of his behaviour or is somebody going to say she provoked him by breathing?
  9. Whole site has gone down for me. Anybody else?
  10. You can tell from her reaction this is nothing new for him No room on VH for creeps like him!
  11. The abusive bastard has now got dressed, hopefully he is leaving
  12. This guy is out of his mind 04:42 he is beating her up in the bathroom.
  13. The only person who can help George is George himself. He needs to realise he has a problem.
  14. Alcohol allows people to lose their inhibitions but doesn't change people fundamentally, so somebody who becomes violent when drinking already has that level of violence in their character but controls it until they drink. Drink is often used as an excuse for somebody's behaviour.
  15. Maybe he drinks to forget the cameras are there?
  16. Really looking forward to seeing what develops in this apartment!
  17. Looks like yet another totally boring night here!
  18. So at their age the only thing that would account for that............Bob told them they are brother and sister?
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