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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Well I do think this guy will definitely get a number
  2. Amy, you do realise that with these rules viewers may actually get value for money? Where's the fun in that? Having nothing to complain about? OK I'm sure we will find something
  3. At least if Mary is on camera she will be safe! O sorry that's not necessarily the case is it?
  4. Moos, you don't really expect VH to do anything do you?They have already told us - everything is down to the manager!!
  5. Remember George in the bathroom? If I was her after witnessing that I wouldn't go near the place.
  6. What's wrong with this one or Lina & Dominica?
  7. Just make the free cam the loggia like their managers M&H? Nasty!
  8. If she has any sense she will stay well away!
  9. Nice to see somebody enjoying their life so much!
  10. This apartment has moved to timeline only for me now!
  11. Think she might be but for some reason she doesn't want it to be with Henry, willing to bet he will keep trying though!
  12. He was putting pressure on her all the time, good for her for sticking to what she decided was not going to happen! She did make it clear nothing was going to happen.
  13. Lets hope their next party is more successful than the last couple of attempts, they deserve it!
  14. She never looked comfortable with the cams, pretty obvious nothing much was going to happen.
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