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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Does any girl on VH look more content and happy than Clara?
  2. She wasn't interested yesterday either but still screwed one of the guests.
  3. Darcie wanted nothing to do with Henry last time.
  4. They are not interested in swapping partners unfortunately .
  5. Thank you. I now understand it is up to the manager to discipline the participant and not VH but don't you find that managers react in different ways in terms of what action they take?
  6. How about a clearly laid out guideline regarding violence on the site? Is it the managers or VH's responsibility to deal with it?
  7. Nice to see there is a visible management presence on the forum.
  8. Just agreeing with you, is there a problem with that?
  9. My sub ran out a month ago, that must have all started since then! O well.
  10. That's true whether its about VH or other posters you don't agree with!
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