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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. You never know, he might get run over by a bus!
  2. VH response would be "That is the managers responsibility, not ours, we don't interfere ", they just enjoy the money!
  3. At a time! Polly has made a stipulation - "don't care who it is but only 1 at a time"
  4. He was drunk or drugged from the moment he came back into the apartment. As for Mary, she did nothing to provoke him, never touched him and tried to talk nicely to him (from her tone of voice). The worst thing was you could see from the violence in the bathroom and lounge that Mary was used to it !!
  5. Unfortunately it might be " Who killed Mary ". I have lost all respect for VH for not expelling this abuser.
  6. I did and my position has not changed. The person committing the violence goes!
  7. Why should anybody put you down for speaking sense? I would say that is their problem!
  8. But when you have the grey areas that is when thing are done unfairly, if it is a hard rule everyone knows where they stand regarding violence. No more "kick him out" but "let him stay"
  9. So you would condone the violence and let him stay so Mary and Mel would stay? Really?
  10. Rock and Ana were a couple as well and she is not doing too badly now, is she? Might be the best thing that could happen to Mary, she would have somewhere to live, earn money and be away from him!
  11. So VH have a chance to get their house in order by sending a clear message to all managers and tenants. Violence will not be tolerated and violence means eviction.
  12. The person being kicked out would be the violent one (male or female)
  13. Couldn't agree with you more, VH should use this opportunity to send a clear message that violence means eviction automatically!
  14. There should be a zero tolerance to violence but we know that is not the case on VH. Lets just wait and see what they do.
  15. I don't think she was comfortable with the situation but only she knows why that was.
  16. His behaviour was a lot worse than Rock's was, he was vicious.
  17. Don't think skin colour has anything to do with it, the whole situation was odd to say the least.
  18. He can't be allowed to stay, next time he will probably put her in hospital or worse and there will be a next time with him, either with Mary or somebody else!
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