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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. I hope you are wearing a bib to catch all that drool.
  2. Do you think she has set up classes to teach how to squirt?
  3. Is it just me or do things seem a bit flat here now?
  4. Doesn't seem to be anything staged between them, just affection.
  5. Might just be floating guests around the apartments?
  6. I normally use 3 screens but at the moment I only have 1 running because there is not much going on that I want to watch.
  7. Thanks Sparkles, they keep telling us they are going to sort this crap out.
  8. Closed the browser, cleaned the cache and restarted my system and now seems to be ok (fingers crossed).
  9. Anybody else finding it keeps buffering and lagging?
  10. I wonder if Anna has asked Misty to go to Ana to check up on her?
  11. Generally speaking, Stockholm syndrome consists of "strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other."
  12. Are you sure the body is human? Has anybody ever seen his legs? Even Em?
  13. A different but very interesting slant on things because they do seem to get on well together
  14. And he doesn't even have the excuse of being drunk most of the time
  15. Very True, nothing is sacred Sparkles !!
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