After the Immigration thing about Separating the Kids from their Parents. There are a lot of Family Oriented People in the USA that don't approve of the Logic that was taken. So it should be Interesting at Mid-Terms to see how their Vote will go. The Mueller Probe is showing it's wear on him. He constantly Repeats the same thing over and over. There was no Collusion with the Russians. It only has to be said once not 1,000 times a Month. Repeating the same Rhetoric constantly makes him look like he's trying to hide something. Same as that Stormy Daniels he keeps repeating he never had an Affair. If you never had an Affair then why would you pay someone $130,000. Payment is an Admission of Guilt.
One thing with Trump is if things go his way in a Positive Manner he wants all the Kudos and Glorification. If things don't go his way the only thing he does is Lay the Blame on the Democrats.
The Republicans hold the Majority of the House and Senate so anything Trump wants he should be able to get but it shows he has a few Republicans in the House and Senate that don't Bow & Curtsey to his everyday whims.