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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. He's Kim Jong Un's Man
  2. Most likely Obama never served either.
  3. Donald Trump did not do Military Service. He was a Draft Dodger.
  4. Without Video Archives the Content wouldn't be as much but it would still be present. Just about every Website and Tube Site that has Porn Videos you'll find Video Content from RLC, VHTV, VV and Camarads in large Amounts but just not named with the Tenants Names. They relable them as something different like BF screws GF or Father Screwing Step Daughter they make it difficult to find but it is out there in large amounts from the Voyeur Sites.
  5. I don't know how the Welfare System works in the USA. I know they give Food Stamp and/or Vochers but don't know if they give the recipients a Cheque for additional things. In Canada a Single Person on Welfare gets about $660 a Month. A Single Person on a Disability Pension gets roughly $1,300 a Month. We don't have Food Stamps or Vouchers. If they can't Afford Food they just go to the Soup Kitchens or the Food Bank.
  6. Videos can still spread without a Video Archive. All a Person needs is Screen Capturing Software.
  7. The only RLC Videos you find mainly on other Websites is Old Content that has just been Renamed and Re-Uploaded and given a different Hashtag Code. But no matter what Voyeur Site the Video is from it's an Impossible Never Ending Task for the Copyright Holder.
  8. RLC doesn't have a Video Archive. If they did they'd have a bigger headache than they already have fighting to keep their Content off the Internet Websites.
  9. If RLC kept a Video Archive I don't think it would not have much impact. The Tenant has already completed the scene so people can watch it in the 24 Hour Replay or Video if they had an Archive. The only trouble with Video Archives are they will always find their way all over the Internet as People can Download the Videos and place them on whatever Third Party Host they please to put it on. The Video usually stays on the Servers until the Copyright Holder Orders a DMCA Takedown of the Content. There are way far to many Websites that have these Videos that it would be an Impossible Task for the Copyright Holder to get each and everyone one of them. I don't know exactly how much a DMCA Takedown Order Costs but DMCA does not provide the Service for Free. Most Third Party Sites when they receive a DMCA Takedown Order they Remove the Video, then they Rename the Video and Re-Upload it on the Server which in turn will give it a different Hashtag. That way the Video always stays alive. The Copyright Holder would have to keep issuing DMCA Orders on the same Video Multiple Times. It's a Task the Copyright Holders can never win unless they take the Servers Operators to Court to have the Servers Shut Down. In Most cases it's a costly process that could be more of a headache than it's worth.
  10. I don't think Nelly take it up the Chuff.
  11. I'm not staying on as late tonight like I usually do. I have some errands tomorrow that need to get done so I want to get to them as early as possible. My new scooter gets me from Point A to B about 15 Minutes sooner than my old scooter so I should make good time if I am up and on the go early enough. I got about 8 Miles of the City to cover so if I get out at 9:00am I should have everything done by Noon or 1:00PM. Have a Good Night.
  12. I understand.
  13. You're entitled to your opinion of the situation just as the next person. No hard feelings caused.
  14. If they do then so be it. It's their body that's going to suffer the effects of Longevity when their life is shorter than what they expect.
  15. Maybe this Apartment will have some normalcy once again.
  16. That's something rarely seen for this Apartment.
  17. The Part that gets me is Donald Trump has Filed for Bankruptcy on 4 Different Occasions. That's a sign that he's not very good at Managing Finances yet they Vote him in as President and he has access to Billions upon Billions to waste before he is done his Term. The National Debt has Increased $2 Trillion or more and he hasn't even made his second Year as being President. Now he's Demanding Billions more to Build a Wall that he Claimed on his Campaign that Mexico was going to Pay for it. If he doesn't get the Billions he wants for the Wall he has Threatened to Shut Down the Government. When he Created his Administration there should have been something in place so Nepotism could have been prevented. That would have kept his Family out of the Picture because none of them were ever experienced at Politics. Even Trump himself had no experience of being a Politician. Donald Trumps World is about to fall apart very soon. Once things come out in his Former Personal Lawyer Michael Cohens Trial and the Muller Investigation wraps up they'll be coming to take Trump away in Hand Cuffs from the Whitehouse and there won't be a Dam thing he can do about. After Screwing People out of Millions for so long Karma is about to Bite him.
  18. The Point System was already in place April 29th. It has been active long before Admins Decision to go with Multiple Topics was made. Each Member has always gotten 5 Points for each comment they made since it began. Now if a Member makes a Topic they receive 25 Points for the Topic Created. Not many Members knew about it since you had to check your own Profile to see how many Points has been Accumulated by the Member. Actually there are many Benefits to the Point System. I have Listed them Below. 1) - Members could Redeem 500 Points for a Mystery Box and get up to 2,500 Points in Return. 2) - Members who make a Topic could Redeem 600 Points to Pin their Topic for 7 Days. After 7 Days the Topic will Unpin. 3) - Members could Redeem 2,500 Points and Upgrade their Membership for a 10 Day Premium Membership Trial. Which will give the Member Access to everything Premium Members can Access. After 10 Days the Members Status will return to the Previous Status they had before the Premium Trial Period. 4) - If a Member or Premium Member wants to get Rid of their Warning Points and Warnings they Received 25,000 Points Redeemed will wipe the Slate Clean so the Member will show they never had any Warnings against them. 5) - If a Member wishes to Play a Game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock all they have to do is Redeem 100 Points. 6) - A member could also Bank their Points and Collect Interest of More Points which is Given Monthly. Points Deposited can be Withdrawn at any time the Member chooses. Keep Checking the Members Shop https://camcaps.net/shop/ as more Items will be Added to the List at Some Point in Time. The more Popular the Points System becomes the more things can be Added to the List. So now you can see the Reason for Wanting More Topics and More Members Participation to get Points and Receive the Benefits from the Points System. Also Admin stated Earlier in a Post the Reasoning for Wanting to go to Multiple Topics which wasn't received very well so another Alternative had to come into play to keep everyone at a Happy Medium. Hopefully this Explains things a Little more in Detail as to why changes are needed.
  19. The Benefit is they get to pay for all the Freeloaders when they should send all their Asses back to their Homeland and let the Cards fall as they May.
  20. Trudeau was only elected because he Promised all the Potheads he was going to Legalize Marijuana which still hasn't come to fruition. The thing called the Silver Haired Boys Club in the Senate had a little difficulty giving the Rubber Stamp of Approval. Trudeau is as Useless as Teats on a Boar Hog. He takes after his Late Father Pierre. Justin will be given his Walking Papers from the Voters in 2019.
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