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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. I don't know if Trump will be successful or not. Denuclearization just does not happen overnight. It takes Years. Look at Iran for Instance. Trump will likely go to Singapore and Kim will be a No Show.
  2. Don't know why Obama got one. He didn't do anything Special. Same as Nelson Mandela they give him one for years of Atrocities committed on his own people. He ordered many into Stacked Tires filled with Gasoline that got set on Fire and Literally Cooked whoever was placed in them. Then they give him a Medal something for Apartheid. The guy should have had Dynamite stuck up his ass and blown to hell.
  3. This Girl is way overly stuck on herself.
  4. Just to show you how Fucking Dumb Trump really is. He wants to Posthumously Pardon Mohammed Ali. Muhammad Ali doesn't have no Criminal Record so what's the Pardon for General Bone Spurs. Muhammad Ali was convicted in 1967 for refusing to report for induction into the United States Military during the Vietnam War. His local Draft Board rejected his application for conscientious objector classification which is hilarious considering that President Bone Spurs deferred five times from the same war despite being a picture of perfect health before the war. A Pardon for Muhammad Ali is unnecessary. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Muhammad Ali in a unanimous decision in 1971. Muhammad Ali has No Criminal Record. Just think someone nominated this Presidential Jack Ass for a Nobel Peace Prize. They could just give him a Chocolate Coin with a Gold Wrapping and tell him it is a Nobel, he won’t know the difference.
  5. It's Summertime. All the Apartments across the Board are the same. It's normal for this time of year. Why stay inside when the weather is nice outside.
  6. Church Recitals are usually in the Evening Hours.
  7. Girls can only stay for the Allotted Time their Visa allows them. Being Late getting back Home makes Vladimir Putin and/or Petro Poroshenko unhappy men.
  8. Harley will need Magnifying Glasses to Read that Print.
  9. It's about time. Her Ass has been there Far to Long.
  10. It's still not cemented in stone yet. The Bill went to the Senate and the Senate sent it back to the House requesting for changes to be made. Then they change it a bit and send it back to the Senate which could take another 2 or 3 Months before the Bill gets Rubber Stamped. If they aren't satisfied in the Senate then they'll toss the Bill back to the House for more changes to be implemented. That's what I like about Canadian Politics just because you have a Majority Government you still can't do as you want unless the Silver Haired Boys Club says so. They could keep tossing the Bill back and forth right up until the Election in 2019. If Trudeau and the Liberals get turfed then the Bill becomes a Dead Issue. No other Party wants it Legalized but the Liberals. That's the only reason Trudeau was Elected was because he Promised the Potheads he was going to Legalize it but it's a lot harder than he thought it was going to be. I hope they keep tossing the Bill back and forth. Each toss takes it 2 to 3 Months before it gets tossed back to the other side. Trudeau's already Pissed off the Potheads so he's lost a large amount of his votes for any chance of Re-Election. He's just like his Late Father Pierre. A Fucking Fool.
  11. In Canada most of the Health Coverage is Collected form Lottery Ticket Sales. The rest is from Shares of the Federal & Provincial Governments of Investment Funds they are supposed to be Raking in Millions from. There are some Citizens that Pay Premiums but you have to be in a certain Tax Bracket before that takes effect but for about 65% to 70% of Canadians it's Free. Just Flash Your Health Card with your Picture on it and it's done. If you don't have a Health Card you still get Health Care but the Painful Part is when they send you the Bill for the Services Rendered. If you simply just forgot to have your Health Card at the time of Visit they'll Reschedule another Appointment which could take up to 3 Months before you get seen again. So it's imperative to always carry your Health Card on your person. All Health Cards have to renewed every 5 Years and that's done at the License Bureau Kiosk.
  12. I don't know exactly how the Healthcare System works in the USA but it's bungled up somewhere along the line. In Canada Healthcare is Free for the Majority of Canadians. It's not the Perfect System but it Works.
  13. All she needs to do is grow a set of Twat Waffles and tell the person in the bed to GTFO.
  14. If they come through Mexico they should get shipped back to Mexico. We already have our share of Illegals. Trudeau just hasn't grown a set of Balls and Deport the Fuckers. If he sends them here we'll just send them back.
  15. Trump he's coming to Canada for the Leaders G7 Summit Meeting but I think he'll be making a Quick Exit. The Leaders are going to inform him of the Tariffs they are slapping on the United States. That should put him in a Good Mood when he goes to see Kim Jong Un in Singapore on the 12th if Kim doesn't cancel it before then. Denuclearize the Korean Peninsula will never happen so Trump will be wasting Taxpayers Dollars on that Venture. He might be a threat to the Political Establishment but first he needs a Reliable Administration. Every time you turn around he's always replacing someone. He can't fire Mueller, if he does his Presidency is Finished.
  16. Willing to take risk and shaft the Creditors for Millions.
  17. We just trashed our Provincial Liberal Government. They had a Majority Government with 78 Seats Wednesday. After the Vote Thursday they now only have 6 Seats. Justin Trudeau is next in 2019. His Ass will get turfed as well. Canada is Fed up with Liberals and they Constant Lies and Tax and Spend Policies.
  18. He only had to go Bankrupt 4 Times to do it. There's a Page in Windows 10 Store that is American Politics.
  19. How can a person who constantly lies be intelligent?
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