I think the main reason People dislike Trump the most for is his Constant Ranting of the same BS over and over and his Ridiculous Twitter Rants. He gets on Twitter and he acts like a 10 Year Old Kid that fucking whines when things do not go his way. This No Collusion with the Russians BS only has to be said once and not 5 times a week. When you keep repeating yourself it makes you look like you may have something to hide. Same as that Stormy Daniels he's in denial with. He says he didn't have an affair and everyone is supposed to take him at his word that he's supposed to speak the truth but he has been caught in so many lies since being President. He constantly claims everything is Fake News because they talk down to him in a negative fashion. But his Ass Kissing crowd at Fox & Friends are the only reliable news source because of his Kiss Ass Buddy Sean Hannity. Trump even believes things Alex Jones Spews and he's one of the Biggest Conspiracy Theorists going. Alex Jones is a Walking National Enquirer.
Mueller still has not fully exonerated him yet. His former Personal Lawyer Cohen is deep in shit up to his ears and Trump likely has some dirt in there somewhere. These Affairs that he keeps denying, if you had no Affair with these Women then why were they Paid Large Sums of Money to keep quiet. Trump is not as squeaky clean as most think.
I think that Spray on Tanning Liquid has affected his Brain.