Mueller's the Special Investigator who's just doing his job. Trump seems to think his Special Presidential Powers can end the Probe if he Fires Mueller. If he done that the Trumps Presidency would be finished quite fast. Now Trump thinks he has the Power to Pardon Himself if he's ever found of any Criminal Wrongdoing.
The only mistake they made when Trump was Elected people should have checked his Background Credentials. He certainly is no Beacon of Shining Light. Would you let someone run a Country who has been Bankrupt 4 Times. That's a sign he's not very good at Managing Finances. Now he wants Billions of Dollars from Congress to build a wall that he said throughout his Campaign that Mexico was going to pay for. If he doesn't get Money for the Wall he's threatening to Shutdown the House.
There was one statement made that he supposedly claims that if James Comey was in the Oval Office he could Murder him in Cold Blood and not held responsible. Any President who says anything like that needs to Removed Immediately as they are not fit for the Job. Comments like that are Mental Instability.