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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. There are several months that videos of VH archives are on X sites. Several tens on Xhamster.
  2. Thank you for this information. It is always better for us to understand the events of the people we appreciate. Good installation!
  3. VH is probably too happy to open in the US. They will take anything if necessary!
  4. Me what I hope is that tenants are not teenagers, but a couple (or more) between 30 and 40 years. This is an age group that we have not yet.
  5. Hey Budda, How is Em? Psychiatrists are optimistic? She solved her school problems? She chose between Bob and Sid or both? I tease you, friendly. It's a little quiet this Saturday!
  6. Lola is looking for her center of gravity!
  7. "...the language we all speak -" It may be abusive! In any case, it will be more widely understood than Russian.
  8. I loved and laughed! K invites the 4 most swingers; K really thought they were going to play tarot all night !! Our 4 friends did what they wanted to do for a while (after the failure at B & D) while M & K made their crisis in the kitchen or the loggia. We do not stop a Dean or a Lexy for so little !!
  9. Sonia (Bree), you will probably not see this message, because only the sincere and natural girls have created a link with their "audience" (Lexy, Anastasia, Ary.) But maybe one of your best enemies you talk about it. You have performed sexually a dozen times since your arrival on VHTV (I do not count Drew). Winning strategy for having your apartment. Since then it was catastrophe on disaster: Matt, Tara, the weird guy of the 1st of April and Drew who cracks !! Bad luck? conspiracy? natural end? It does not matter. It's been two months since you dragged yourself around like a zombie. Your future worries you? You are right. An experience like this one leaves traces for you, but also for those who saw you at work. I understand that you are in exams, I wish you success and then change city and boyfriend. Unless Alex & Anna is looking for a new manager !! ?? The finished bill always arrives.
  10. Maybe a friday evening full of hope here!!??
  11. It will take him well 3 days, indeed!
  12. Gorgeous hair, dream tits. The fatal weapons of Lexy (among others)!
  13. Drew absent until Monday. Maybe we'll know if Bree goes to Smolny Monastery in St Petersburg or if she continues to do what she does best.💋
  14. You will never be able to stop saying "white" at the beginning of your post and "black" at the end. Too tiring for me
  15. Haaa! For you to learn Russian (I answer in her place, do not make false ideas). Probably in 2 or 3 weeks, fashion, english and everything else will be gone .... with her. The show is almost finished!
  16. There is no insult. I tried to understand your thinking (it's not easy) that led you to question the interest of archives. The interest for whom? I understood that you said that it curbed the exploits for the tenants and that VH is making money by selling them. That's not it? You know it better than me, all these good people have signed contracts: everyone knows what he is exposing himself to.
  17. Tenant comrades! Wake up, ugly bosses exploit you! You must prefer unemployment and the street to the comfort of a heated apartment and hundreds of dollars a month. Management comrades! Wake up, you work like dogs to find apartments, place cameras in the best places, manage the fights, scold the tenants too soft. Comrades underwriters, wake up, stop your subscription: all this is cinema! And yet, there are more and more apartments, more and more subscribers ... Look for the mistake!
  18. Haaa! Bree and fashion is 2 worlds (from what I've seen for 8 months). She has two styles: student look and "invite to fuck" look. The second does not serve her anymore!
  19. I love your coldness! But I felt a weakness for Clair. Be careful, Zeifan, think about your reputation!
  20. Per i miei amici italiani, dalla Francia.
  21. She is not beautiful life? When we think that it was enough to ask kindly!
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