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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. Great Amy! Logic, measured, pragmatic, ... what happened ?! LOL
  2. The atmosphere relaxes. The trust is provided by Lexy. Misty is calm. There is the sun. If it does not work tonight, it's hopeless !!
  3. I'm not in a hurry to see him again.
  4. As you say Jabb, it will not change anything ... except what will change. For the Western Europe zone, the "events" will be 5 to 6 hours later than today. For Eastern Europe 7 to 9 hours! For the English language (mine is average), it's interesting to understand the elements of context, especially during group evenings and when tenants are hiding out cameras. For those who are not interested, they can always turn off the sound! For the moment I can only speak about these 2 technical elements. The rest will depend on the quality of the tenants.
  5. It is difficult to say Golfer, if she now has less anxiety: judgment distorted by excess alcohol. I think her pain is deep and she still does not see very much about the future. All this reminds me of a Paul Mc Cartney song: "I have no answer for your little lamb I can help you out But I can not help you in" Your idea that she goes to live surrounded by friends, looks attractive, I think the most important thing is that she moves away from Drew who returns today !!! Congratulations to L & P for your 5 years, I'll be here again for your 10 years !!
  6. A little make up, and we will see nothing! Bree left for the day. Waiting for the return of Drew: be less fun!
  7. Candy in the waiting room! Dean will hear Candy's sweet voice screaming !!
  8. And here are the problems will come? Bree wants to go home and L & P do not want to let her go drunk.
  9. For that to move, it would be necessary that Dean and Candy leave!
  10. This is the third time they are looking for each other, especially her. It should be the right one, I hope.
  11. Dean is calm! Bree still has not removed a garment !? I think a neighbor came to yell for the music !! It's going to speed things up.
  12. I think the agreements are between Bree, Lexy and Pete for the night. Anyway, Bree is too drunk to go home.
  13. They all know each other very well. I'm more worried about a night of old friends.
  14. Little Zeifan player (lol)! Dean has already fucked them all. 2 men 4 women: not easy. Either we'll have a hell of a thing, because all the best are here. Either moods (Misty / Bree) will take over. I hope a trio L + P + B since time ...
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