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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Ok, now I sleeep. Have a great day ooopel! ❤️
  2. Who should I ask my dear ooopel? I fear the chasm is too far and wide.
  3. Awww! You are too girl! 🧝🏽‍♀️❤️
  4. I really like my new avatar, but I’m seriously getting Frozen vibes. Lol Maybe it’s fittIng for me at this time. ❄️
  5. Oh, and @ooopel why did you choose this name? Do you have a thing for old German cars? 😊
  6. Back through the gate for a minute. Progress? Hmmmm, more like regress! I don’t think she cares too much for Stew. Hope she figures out what she wants to do soon. Probably difficult to process the idea of being on cam like this. We tend to expect a lot right away these days.
  7. Wonder if he got cold last night. Need another blanket I think.
  8. I recommend that VH subscribers turn off their sub for a while and watch VH and see if you would be compelled to join based on what you see. More likely what you don’t see. Something has to give! It can’t stay like this if VH wants to keep up the pace of new members.
  9. Thanks Bear!! I really appreciate that. I loved that girl like she was my sister. It’s only natural to be skeptical of one’s sisters boyfriend. He came through in the end and became a worthy member of the family. I’m very, very proud of Alex. I wish them nothing but a lifetime of success and happiness! ❤️
  10. Thx ooopel! ❤️ Happy Woman’s Day to all you ladies out there. You’re all amazing to me!!❤️❤️❤️
  11. Site is online for me. Looks like no one is there.
  12. They should plant the pink dildo in the middle of the table.
  13. Hey there's room at the end of the table for one more! Deal me in!
  14. As for card games, nothing beats Kings Corner!
  15. Oh yes, Zarina has a dick and no tits! So far, she seems more like a female impersonator then a real transsexual.
  16. Yes, there really is. A transsexual has several options for masturbating. The thing you guys have to know if that a transsexual perceives themselves as a woman and they fantasize about having heterosexual sex with real men. Some are translesbians and they tend to fantasize about having lesbian sex with real women. There a lot of other options, but in general, that’s the set up. So, a transsexual bating will bate like a woman as if that dick wasn’t theirs. Even during sex one can twist their mind into having the sensation of the dick penetrating them instead of the other way around. Some transsexuals can even reach orgasm without even touching their dick or perhaps barely touching it. It’s pretty amazing really. 😀
  17. I have no doubt that she can pull it off. The way she put on her eye make up is no joke. She knows what she is doing. Based on what I see I think she may be a working crossdresser. Meaning that she takes jobs to prevend to be a transsexual, but she isn’t really a a committed transsexual. I’m very hesitant to say that because I haven’t seen enough yet! But the facts that she’s been there twice and has not been fully dressed and the fact that she wears men’s underwear gives me pause.
  18. Just for reference, only the kitchen cam is free here.
  19. What happened to Zarina? I want to see her all dressed up. Last time she just put on makeup. When I saw the tweet I was really hoping that she wound be a committed, visible transsexual. Meaning that she would be her female self on the outside most of the time. I think that perhaps she is really a crossdresser and is a man inside her head when she’s not all dressed up. Maybe I’ll get to find out. The real test would be in how she masturbates. 🧐
  20. Sometimes women just like to get dressed up! For the most part the women of VH are slackers when it comes to getting gorgeous. So I think you maybe right, she got dressed up for a reason.
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