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Everything posted by At7

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her orgasm face. Lol
  2. Just can’t watch this guy....nothing sexy about him at all.
  3. Personally, I stay away from baths on my period. Even times of just spotting or having a really light period, it’s just not a pleasant thing to have to worry about while you are talking a bath...also I wouldn’t want to smell like blood coming out of a bath hahaha....but, perhaps she has a very light period and if any blood did happen to come out, it would really not be enough to color the water once it dissipated in the water.
  4. Right on the money Amy. Seems to be a lot of obnoxious cyber bullies here who become nasty and petulant when one doesn’t agree with them.
  5. Like I said, let’s move on. It’s done and over with and at the end of the day, we still have our own real lives to deal with ....and VH and it’s tenants, well they don’t affect my life at all and basically, I think it’s plain stupid to argue with random people on a porn site. So, moving on and I won’t be discussing this anymore.
  6. Of course everyone lies! But we don’t all break the law and potentially ruin someone else’s life. More than likely, that won’t happen...but just saying. Also I should stop watching vh because im against what Dana did? Lol!!!!! 😂😂😂
  7. Why arrange that question/comment ahead of time? What’s the point? We could come up with all kinds of scenarios all day long.... Anyhow, really, now I am over this conversation. I’m not here to save the world, Chris or Dana, vh, etc. we could go on and on about this but, doesn’t matter. Chris and Dana are still there, vh is still here, let’s move on. Let’s continue to watch or not watch...
  8. And no, not okay for anyone to be doing that, V and G included
  9. Go for it. Vh is rich either way. Lol!!!!
  10. Well I missed all of this so excuse me
  11. Whoever Is lying to guests about the cameras and allowing them to be filmed sexually without their permission should also be disciplined. Not just Dana. Dana was caught this time and whoever gets caught the next time should be held accountable too. I could care less if she invites any more girls over or not. There are plenty of other cams to watch.
  12. You did the right thing. I’m really surprised that so many people seem to be okay with lying to guests about the cameras so that they can continue to watch for their own personal benefit. It is in fact illegal, and I think most of us would be upset to be broadcast naked and having sex for the world to see if we didn’t give our permission. What if your children or future children happened to come across it one day? Or worse yet, what if that happened to your child? I heard a report not too long ago about a young woman who committed suicide because a video of her doing something sexual was circulated without her permission and then she was bullied and made fun of afterwards and she couldn’t take it anymore. Dana and Chris can easily be replaced...doesn’t matter if the girl smiled at the camera or is too stupid to figure out why cameras are pointed to the bed.
  13. Wow that’s a lot of participants!!!!
  14. Pretty cool! I’m waiting for a ”Deenie” lol. (Judy Blume fan back in the day)! 😊
  15. It is nice when they interact with the viewers though. Better than pretending to be someone else and then sneaking on here to read the comments. Lol!
  16. No Olga’s or Svetlana’s? Lol!!! Yes it is quite interesting how connected the participants are on here. You can also tell because a lot of them start changing certain behaviors or doing more of something after a certain amount of posts on something in particular:
  17. Oh I see, interesting how VH actually uses the names! And good to know about the rules! Pretty cool Amy 👍
  18. Congrats, you looked beautiful on your special day!
  19. Just curious, how did tou get to naming the participants for vh? Did it initially start off as a hobby or are you officially connected somehow?
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