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Everything posted by At7

  1. I think Ben and his friend should come back and fuck scarlet. That would be way more interesting than these dumb massage shows with random girls
  2. That was gonna be super hot til Garry walked in and ruined it all
  3. Oh really? Hmmmm that’s interesting. Maybe it was removed at ben’s request since Garry was so unhappy.
  4. No this was on the first or second day when Ben and his friend were over and Garry was sleeping in the bedroom or something and he came out and saw scarlet messing around with both guys, bj and I forget what else.
  5. So Garry gets to fuck all kinds of women but I remember how upset he was when scarlet started to fuck Ben and his friend. 🙄🙄🙄
  6. Could be “crank”. Poor man’s coke
  7. Oh then totally not worth it. 😮 what about implants? Have you thought about those?
  8. Lol, he isn’t very attractive to me
  9. I just meant I don’t understand why someone would want to do steroids when it affects their penis that way. Not worth it IMO
  10. Also aren’t steroids supposed to shrink the penis too? I mean that doesn’t seem like an issue so far with them so far though lol
  11. The thought crossed my mind too.
  12. I think she is pretty but she needs to gain a few pounds. 5-7 pounds more would look good on her. In certain angles, she just looks way too bony. Like Gloria did. But she’s obviously a sexy girl
  13. Yeah I think you’re right about the cammers being recruited directly. Too bad, I just find those apartments completely boring and I’m running out of options to watch.
  14. Lame, boring....I mean how many times can you watch these cammers doing the exact same thing for hours on end rubbing themselves, playing with vibrators before it gets boring...Imo....Another apartment on the do not watch list. Disappointing indeed....
  15. Her body is amazing. Not too skinny or chunky. 👍
  16. Step it up boys. As the only apartment with two bachelors, you were one of my faves.... but now....😴😴😴😴😴
  17. Mike, get rid of the man pony tail. That and the man bun are not a good look. These bring men down a whole bunch of notches, just saying..lol
  18. Holy mother effing shit! U go Otto! Glad that u and Lola do what you want to do!!!!
  19. Wtf? How can that be? Lol!!!!! All I saw them do was fucking! Then the bear and sex and flowers last night? They didn’t want to take time to think about it? I find this very hard to believe.
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