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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. I hope they bring some party spirit back with them.!!!!
  2. Home tomorrow afternoon!!.I don't know where they have been.
  3. I did as you said and she replied the three of them will be home tomorrow afternoon.No other Info. I just hope she had a word in their ears.
  4. Did you know that the Great Fire of London in 1666 helped to eradicate Bubonic Plague(or Black Death)by killing the black rats that carried the fleas and the virus. Obviously I don't want any great fires in LA because in the London fire hundreds of people died as well. These are shocking stats for a large modern city in the 21st century.
  5. Just got to.I do get their but it takes a little longer than normal people. I do have skills but Computers isn't one of them.Believe it or not quite a lot of you good people here on CC have actually taught me stuff I didn't know before. Not being in the first flush of youth doesn't help either but it is all good👍
  6. How do you expect me to understand all that.I don't think you realise how hopeless I am at all this.😀
  7. I might have guessed you would chip in.One day I hope to be as smartassed as you.😋
  8. Thank you very much for being gentle😀 Talk about having an Achilles heel.Duh!!!
  9. Thanks Jabs but why is that piece of text in a blue box.Somebody will slay me for asking I know.😥😥
  10. Hi Jabs,do you think Lisa knows that the three musketeers have been absent for over a day now.I sent a ticket but their reply was as much good as an ashtray on a motorbike.We get notified if tenants are going away or whatever but this three have just walked out.Rude apart from anything else.Grrrrrrr!!!!!!👎
  11. As expected "see terms and conditions of subscription" Real helpful bunch NOT !!!!👎👎
  12. Decency and politeness it's not difficult !!!!!!!!!
  13. I've sent a ticket to try to find out where this three are.I'm not holding my breath that I will get a decent answer though.
  14. The human race wouldn't exist unless we did?😐 But I know what you are saying!!
  15. It's a pity that us who are paying aren't getting an invite. I'm sure one of the other +5 GMT Apt's could have been used for a party
  16. Hi Rob,if Ash had asked me the same question I would have probably said what you have just said.That's scary.Good advice pal..👍
  17. I really expected a Croc take out!!!
  18. You said the other day that you weren't blanking me because you had been doing o/t. Nah!You were in Somerset getting lessons from the Clown Prince!!😀 BTW as you know he is a Tosser yeh! Well you have just inherited Balloon😀
  19. If Leeloo wakes up there's every chance she will have sex with Gloria.It won't be the first time!!!
  20. Hi Happy one,I live near Edinburgh in Scotland and just this week on our local news it has been announced that out of the whole of the UK Scotland has the worst record for drug related deaths but fortunately running alongside that statistic we are managing our "clean up" procedures much better.Don't get me wrong areas of the city are higher risk for finding dirty needles and other drug using equipment but on the whole I would say we pretty much have it under control.Ash mentioned San Francisco and Los Angeles and they are much bigger cities than Edinburgh so much bigger problem.Family members and friends of people who have died from drug addiction are appealing to the Scottish Government to increase funding for rehabilitation rather than stigmatising the users and effectively leaving them to die.However that is up for debate as you can no doubt imagine. Thanks for responding
  21. Hi Amy,as we all know you have posted probably more than most on this subject but this post is so well rounded IMO.
  22. I totally missed your hot air/blowing hard remark .Good one😀 Memo to myself:Look out for carefully concealed barbs😀
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