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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Well I certainly don't see any hives or honey๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
  2. Hi bud,yeah we had a good holiday,slapped the cerveza.You pissed off this Scottish git by taking so long to fucking surface like PM's know what I'm saying.!!!
  3. Hi Rob,nice to have you back in action.๐Ÿ‘
  4. Hi confused Let's,Not knowing whereabouts you live I thought this might cause a problem for a few.Ok here we go,using a little change of accent Bison can become basin,get it.Now if I was any good with I.T. I would be able to add an appropriate picture or emoji.It really bugs me that I can't.Any help will be greatly received.๐Ÿ‘
  5. I would love to comment but I think Amy has adequately covered the subject!!.Oh by the way Amy has been very quiet.I have been in Spain for a week and off air.Any info.She ok?.
  6. What's the difference between a buffalo and a bison? You cannot wash your hands in a buffalo!
  7. Every time that guy with the glasses(Raul?) Turns up he turns the place into a Porn Production Studio.This place gets a few seconds of a look from me and I'm off.
  8. This is a very late response to your post as I have just read it.Needless to say you have all my sympathy for your huge loss.I am replying with a luckily for myself and family a more positive side to this dreadful disease.One year ago Approx.my wife was diagnosed with stage 2 colonic cancer but luckily for us she had her op.(removal of half a metre of bowel and some lymph nodes and her recovery has been a complete success no chemo or anything.Obviously there were worrying times as to outcomes but my family and I are the fortunate ones.What this did for our us is to realise that people like your self have been dealt a devastating blow and that we got lucky and we all now do what we can to help others less fortunate.The whole episode has been a great leveller.All the best to you and yours in the future.
  9. Hi Let's,I thought you had missed that one.As you can see I'm still keeping the standard low.โ˜บ
  10. Cheers for that.That sort of stuff goes right over the top with me.!!
  11. Sorry bud excuse me for being thick but who is Polly and what did she have to do with Kira's Apt.Is it the same Polly who used to be in what is now H/R/andR's Apt.?Please be gentleโ˜บโ˜บ
  12. Well,on reflection that might be a good idea.๐Ÿ˜€
  13. I have commented on this three lovely people before and their"arrangement" and they obviously love each other which is absolutely fine with me,but George has to be one of the luckiest b******* in Romania.Jealous Nah.!!!!๐Ÿ˜ฅ
  14. Imo you could drag Piper through a hedge backwards and she would still be gorgeous,not that I am biased or anythingโ˜บ
  15. Jessica and Conan had a very gentle,sensual lovemaking session this morning and the timeline was ok.
  16. Is it not about time Emily(I think that's her name) got added to this Apt.She has been here a little time now and the two of them seem well loved up.It would be nice to think that they have genuine feelings for each other but in this cynical business who knows.If George and Louise did turn up it would only be temporary,after all they had a big party a few weeks ago,everyone was their even Foxy and Nastya showed up for a while but everything soon calmed down.This place is big enough for another couple which would surely liven it up a bit.
  17. I think what you are saying is perfectly plausible but do you not think it could be as simple as Serena was horny and wanted sex.It could be days or weeks before she feels like doing it again.
  18. I find this strange after everything that happened.Something doesn't smell right to me.
  19. Hi Jabs,the wanderer has returned.We have had a very restful and enjoyable week in a 4star excellent hotel in Benalnadena.Visited Gibraltar and a quaint little village in the hills called Mijas which is partly commercialised because the people partly depend on tourism after all but apart from that we basically went for walks popped into a few pubs!!! And restaurants..We have had a lot going on in the family recently and this was the break we needed.All good.ANYWAY,all good with you?As for the above I never watched this place so I won't miss it.I see that Piper and Hunter are sharing with Clara and Stas,what's going on their,and where are they based?o you know if the others from Ukraine are returning.?.
  20. I,ve got to try and cover my tracks some how.Dos grande cerveza por favor is all the lingo I need now.Back online in a week Will miss you .Aye like a fucking hole in the heid.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
  21. Thank goodness for that.You know me with IT.i was panicking out of my skull.Thanks loads mate.!!Anyway I my good lady son and partner are off to Spain early tomorrow morning for a week.so looking forward to that.I am leaving the device behind so will be "off air"for a week .Speak when I return.Cheers the noo.
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