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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Little thinking involved?that will suit you down to the ground then eh!!😁👍
  2. I pity the poor bastard if they are playing snap😂👍
  3. But if you start tossing the word tosser around it's a toss up if you tossed it in too quickly or not.😁Think about it,at our Highland games if the caber tosser tosses it too soon it's a toss up if he will ever be a tosser of the caber ever again.Tossing is strictly for the tossers who can toss.😁👍
  4. Can you lot not talk some sense once in a while😋👍😁
  5. News just broken:Devil dies from Hypothermia😀👍
  7. Is that "I love myself"guy in the light t shirt Benjamin?.
  8. Hi Ze,nice to hear from you ,hope you and yours are all well👍
  9. Is her boyfriend's name Lionel😀👍
  10. FYI I don't do cannabis👍😏
  11. No sorry buddy it was more about the horrendously insulting😀post/gif from JB of Bill and Ben(who are far more intelligent than Rob and me😀).Anyway pal I think we better drop this subject or Stone will be giving us a row😕😇 for going of topic. P.S.M&H must be saying WTF😀
  12. Flower Pot Men - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  13. Bill and Ben in colour?never on my watch.Black and white and that was your lot,not that I had a telly when I was a kid.
  14. AH, now I get it, some sensible conversation at last😂😂
  15. Are you having a laugh Ash? 🤔I'll need to consult my buddy Lets😁cos I haven't got a clue what you are talking about.I was gonna ask Justy Boy or Rob but they are as dumb as me. 😁
  16. If I was female right there right now and 13 guys walked in I would be outta there smartish.
  17. Are the tenants managers listed anywhere?.Did there used to be a list for members to see?.
  18. BTW that's not a very nice way to refer to a woman pal.👎
  19. One thing's for sure Sina with her propensity for violence won't be tackling this lady.
  20. If a mad person fell into the river that runs through Paris would he be in Seine?😀 Apologies for going off topic but I couldn't resist😕
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