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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Yep "it's cool for cats" but who sung it?
  2. Fuck,now I'll be having nightmares tonight😀
  3. Great stuff Naga,I have to admit that when I make a load of soup I freeze it in Chinese meal containers,oops!! Let the cat out the bag there😁
  4. Well Robwin Hood,I suppose it does😀
  5. I never ever learned to ride a bike😀Whatever else could you possibly mean😏👍
  6. TBH,I could quite happily live on seafood minus octopus and squid.I tried octopus eight times but still don't like it.😀 I love mussel stew done in a light garlic sauce with some spicy rice. or Smoked fish with new potato's and butter or Potted Herrings. We decided to have homemade fish and chips recently but surprisingly the fishmonger had no haddock but he had basa fillets(Vietnamese cobbler) and they were really tasty so don't be put off by their name.I could live off kippers(smoked herring).
  7. Gutted,you just beat me to that one pal😁
  8. Have you got a stake in the business Naga😏
  9. I was meaning on the brain front😁 Whoosh!!!!!! Right over the top👍
  10. Noooooooooo👎👎👎👎👎
  11. It didn't do you any fucking good eh😁👍
  12. My mum came from the Fair Isle which is located near the Shetland islands and it's only 3 miles by 1 mile in size so you can imagine that life was tough.No electricity,no proper drainage,the crofts they lived in were basic in the extreme and this lifestyle built character and resilience.There food source was okay as they were sheep farmers,fishermen,and poultry was plentiful so you can see how nothing was wasted living such a hard life.It's no wonder I was "exposed" to some of the meals she prepared.The inhabitants of Fair isle had one main source of income,they knitted Fair Isle jumpers, scarves etc using wool from their sheep and it still exists to this day all be it with much more modern equipment.Sorry gone off topic again!!!!. I still don't know how ANYBODY can eat tripe though😩👎
  13. The first time I tried eel I seriously hurt my gums as I didn't realise there is a bone in them.It was a stall in Soho in London 1967 and I had just watched Scotland beat England at Wembley.Luckily I was pissed as an arse so it didn't hurt too much,actually if the truth be told I felt no pain all weekend😁👍🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺. On another occasion I was in London I had a sandwich with a large slice of hot ham, simple but truly scrumptious.👍
  14. Gon yersel buddy, it's gonnae be a braw bricht moonlit nicht the nicht😀👍
  15. Dave 27


    Not a bit of it TBG,it's all done in the best possible taste😁 But he's still a major league tosser😁
  16. Good morning Naga,you're definitely not boring the arse off me,after all this IS an open forum which isn't exclusively VH and RLC and it's refreshing to have a crack about something else,we've had metal,now it's food,long may it continue.We could move on to ballet or opera or Shakespeare or even the evolution of the hula hoop😁anyway I digress. As I am an "auld git" in my childhood I saw some gross food that people took for granted back then(I wouldn't touch it),"sheep's heid","pigs feet",and the worst of all"tripe".But conversely there was homemade jam,strawberry,raspberry,crab apple,bramble,etc.and we as kids had to help gather all these fruits in the wild or garden.My mum would make girdle scones pronounced(as in prawn,lawn,dawn)these were made in an ordinary frying pan as against the oven.Straight on to the plate hot,loads of butter and homemade jam,heaven!!!.Everything we ate was homemade,steak and kidney pie,stews,Mac and cheese,fish and potato pie,mince done god knows how many ways.My dad served in the RAF out east during the war and came home safely with a curry habit which my mum quickly learned how to cook and my first ever curry was mince but she went a bit overboard and started to curry fish,beef,and of course chicken and nowadays that isn't strange at all. As for me and cooking I landed on my feet when I married Margaret(51 years ago)as she is a brilliant cook and wife,her apple crumble is to die for but we buy the apples now not like when I was a kid and nicked them out the big posh houses with huge gardens😁So like you Naga I'm passionate about food and do dabble with cooking but my lovely wife does the lions share but keep the chat coming I find it interesting pal👍 P.S.Sorry for bangiing on about my early life.
  17. Dave 27


    Does "large" extend to your facial orifice pal😀👍
  18. Dave 27


    New Word:Inviatation👍 P.S.Hope nobody finds this too unfunny😉
  19. I'm really happy for you young guys😋👍
  20. Hi Sniper,methinks the second word will be "off"😁
  21. Dave 27


    Whoever owns CC must be happy with the current situation or else changes would have been made by now.
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