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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. I was sure you had never left your childhood behind😁👍
  2. Groan, groan,sniper😄 I'm just jealous I never thought of it first👍😀 Anyway, have a happy and safe new year to you and yours👍
  3. Hi let's buddy,my dad had ringworm,he must have got it from me.😁👍
  4. Kielbasa Penn.style anyone😁👍
  5. Is it as culinarily challenging as my cheesy pasta Naga😁
  6. Funny you should mention leftovers Naga but we seem to have a cornucopia of cheese so for dinner tonight,dead simple Fusili,precooked bacon chopped,grated cheddar,red Leicester,and some other white cheese?a dash of Worcester sauce.Heat some milk,add the cheese for a sauce,put the whole lot(mixed together) into a baking dish,then into the oven for 20 mins Approx. Dead simple and uses up a fair bit of cheese.Word of warning though,do not add salt,the bacon and cheese did that.👍
  7. The tenants have two personas,who they are in their everyday lives off camera and how they act for the cameras.Unfortunately some members can't distinguish between the two.Large or small we're all equal.
  8. Can anyone help: I've sent a P.M. to Jabs and it won't go.After I hit send a message popped up saying"Jabbath cannot receive messages".Is this a fault or have I been put on ignore?
  9. It makes you wonder how politicians and the people worldwide reacted to the Spanish flu back in 1918 when medicine was not so advanced as today.At least 50 million died and no laboratories able to create effective vaccines in ten months back then.We should all be thankful but at the same time sparing a thought for families who have lost loved ones.
  10. Right back at ya Naga👍 BTW,excellent spread👍👍
  11. Happy birthday @ashleyxyz🍺👍,it's only a number, 21+ 9😁 Hope you and Guy have a happy and safe Christmas and New year🎅🎅👍
  12. Hi Les,are you just a wee bitty upset over this😁😁
  13. Yep far too easy for you Naga👍
  14. I'm off to grab a few zz's as well.Enjoyed the chat and the banter guys.
  15. Yep "it's cool for cats" but who sung it?
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