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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. He was drunk as a skunk, pissed as an arse and acting like one too. 👍
  2. Thanks Rob for that structured informative reply,it's cleared everything up.😁
  3. Morning pal,gonna tell us something we don't know😁👍
  4. What do you think they were talking about????.😁 BTW check your PM. Pal.
  5. Hi buddy,no doubt the Clown Prince will have some smartass remark to make.😁👍
  6. Nice to hear from you Ze👍Hope you are well.
  7. Squish used it in a recent post but I can't ask him cos I think he has me on ignore.
  8. Flag of Scotland - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  9. You've gone and spoiled it😩You mean the card that stank of cider with the hay sticking out the envelope wasn't you.👍😁
  10. Nah that's no me,that's ma twin Bruv😁👍
  11. Yeh?well you better have a good reason for fucking off or there will be no rumpy pumpy for you pal.😁👍
  12. I would like to join in this chat but I'm too busy opening all my valentine's cards😁😁👍 P.S.All addressed to Big Dave😁👍
  13. Ah so that's why Rob and JB's phone numbers keep appearing😁👍
  14. If ukraine your neck you'll see there's moldova everything😁
  15. Hi JB,the problem I have is pal that you and Rob talk so much common sense that it's difficult to find fault.I simply wouldn't survive without your mature and uplifting rhetoric.😋👍
  16. Going to Boots is a day out right now😁👍
  17. Putting it politely pal,you're a stranger to the truth and not currently in possession of a valid birth certificate😋
  18. It's not who,it's what. A fight,argument,or violent disagreement. I've got a feeling you're at the wind up Mr Rob?
  19. True story:Many many moons ago late one evening after a few pints my mate and I decided we would get ourselves a chippy.As we approached the shop there was one hell of a Barney going on inside with the result a couple of policeman arrived and ejected a drunk.What happened was the guy had kicked up a fuss because his chips were not wrapped in the local newspaper.The evils of alcohol😁.It actually finished our night of very nicely.👍
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