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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Extremely lucky Naga Fam👍
  2. Yeh mostly but there was also an Arbroath Smokie(lookin at ya) BTW pal it was a Glenfiddich jus😋Jist saying👍
  3. She had to go to A&E and get it stitched back on😁👍
  4. Hi happy mate,have you been "hiding" recently or have I not been looking in the right places.Hope your well.👍
  5. Well if I knew where they live Yeh I would be asking them why they pinched ma dug😀👍
  6. It 's no very guid when you hey an English wummin trying Tae speak wi a Scottish accent👎
  7. I'll take that with a pinch of salt,a teaspoonful of flour and the white of an egg😁
  8. I've won MasterChef so many times now they won't let me back😁
  9. So we're basing what people say on guesswork and supposition?.A dangerous game to play Blue?.
  10. Blue as you well know "Dog with a bone" is a common saying and the way Rob said it he wasn't referring to any particular person.
  11. This non-answer of yours proves that I am more informed and not so stupid as you think.I hit a nerve and you know it.Facts are facts so it's up to you to prove me wrong.Oh of course you won't it will just be the usual stupid little juvenile attempts at sarcasm to get your likes from the "gang"
  12. This is a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black,haven't you ever noticed how one of you makes a post and it's always the same people liking it and agreeing with it.Misc could say the Pope is a Protestant and you and a few others would agree with him so don't lecture me on "agreeing"with another member.
  13. "They" are the members like yourself who have been ordered/influenced to hate Amy and don't try and tell me I'm wrong because it is demonstrated on here regularly.Can none of you think for yourselves and have open minds instead of this "gang" mentality of agreeing with each other all the time.Fucking pathetic.
  14. I might have guessed you would disrupt a serious culinary debate😁 TOSSER!!!
  15. Hi TBG,Re the last sentence:I'll try not to bore you and keep it brief. The Battle of Bannockburn(a rare victory for us Scots against the English,rare because they always outnumbered us being a larger nation)took place near Stirling in Scotland in the year 1314 and basically we kicked their butts.What I was jokingly referring too was that the Scottish army had a good feed of Stovies on the eve of battle.😁But the Battle of Culloden in 1746 the Scottish army was routed and my "joke" was that they hadn't had their Stovies👍
  16. I didn't know Jeff had created a beer😁👍 Anyway,talking food Margaret's making "Stovies" for dinner tonight and you may or may not have heard of them but here goes: Ingredients are mainly potato,onions and the gravy from a roasted joint of beef.You take approx.a quarter of the gravy/stock plus 4 or 5 medium onions chopped and brown them off in a large pot.Then add the potato's to the stock/onions and cover with boiling water and salt.About 10 minutes before the potato's are cooked add the remaining beef stock and allow to simmer for about 15/20 minutes.You can add good quality butchers sausages at the beginning if you want or maybe a cold meat at the serving stage,whatever as it is a very versatile and filling dish.👍 The story goes the lads had this before Bannockburn😁but the bastard who supplied the tatties didny turn up before Culloden😁
  17. We have a redundant airline pilot working in our local Tesco,and I'm pretty sure he ain't brain dead along with many other store workers I'm sure.Just saying👍
  18. Ok,l only brought that up because we have to have a level playing field.Thanks for replying👍
  19. Hi Jabs, for the record in case you've forgotten Justy Boy pulled you up for calling a tenant a weirdo a week or so ago. Only saying.
  20. Hi Naga,I assume it's American being produced in Belgium then as the news is telling us that's where it's coming from or have I got it completely wrong.?
  21. Good job with the Scots accent Slender👍👍😁
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