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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Hi Rob,have you seen Rab C before?absolutely priceless😀😀More to the point would you understand what he is saying?
  2. Gawd you've got me in STITCHES😀
  3. It's called the calm before the storm pal!!This won't last.
  4. Are you opening a THREAD happy?😀
  5. Hi Joey,no I'm not a member of Mensa and the last time I did a test I scored 95 which is only average I believe.When the staff at Mensa are feeling down they contact me for a laugh😀.I attained a degree from the College of Common Sense,Decency and Respect which has got me through life quite well.Academia evaded me,I'm much more of a hands-on person and I'm a time served Joiner(now well retired)so I had to have a particular type of intelligence to survive in that world.When I worked on building sites back in the day, during the summer University Students would work as labourers to earn cash with us and these guys and girls were obviously clever but when it was time for them to go back to Uni.they would enthusiastically tell us how much they had learned.It made us feel good.Anyway enough from me. You look after yourself Joey👍
  6. I'm absolutely CREASING myself😀
  7. When there is any problems in this apt.she is good at SMOOTHING things out😀
  8. I'm far to much of a gentleman to say Ash but you could always try a cold shower😀 You two stay safe👍
  9. Hi Joey,I would guess you have a pretty decent IQ so why don't you use it to join MENSA as a way of alleviating some of your boredom.Just a suggestion.
  10. Wow!! High end hooch jj👍.
  11. Something for nothing as per usual !!miserable b******😀😀
  12. 12yr old Glenfiddich ok!!
  13. Sorry pal,am no getting it!!😥Think it's sunstroke😀
  14. Damn,I thought I had you there😀I should have known better but it was worth a try
  15. Hi Naga,hope you and yours are well. I wonder if an injection of disinfectant would cure verbal diarrhoea!! Donald your next!!!
  16. You Rip Van Winkle then😀😀
  17. Good morning Rob ,favouritism?no chance,I ain't got nothing to offer!! and definitely no ulterior motive.If you recall(an old git like you might have memory problems😀)I declined Jab's invitation politely here in open forum simply because I disagreed with it,and still do.Jabs and Amy at loggerheads doesn't interest or concern me.None of the two of them have ever done or said anything to upset or seriously annoy me so why would I bother.To quote Catherine Tate"I ain't bovvered"😀👍
  18. Awww that's beautiful I'm filling up now😀😀😀
  19. I must have the shiniest,newest looking,garden fence in the WHOLE world!!!!😀
  20. I must be as thick as mince and blind as a bat because I just jog along the CC highway chatting and nodding happily to anyone who lets on to me,no dramas,crises or nastiness.I treat everyone the way I would expect to be treated and it works for me.I realise that some members have issues and grievances with each other but can they not just sort it out in private cos personally it's becoming extremely boring. Just for the record the last time a separate "club"was being touted I declined on here and will again IF it raises it's ugly head and this is not a case of taking sides.I am not interested in petty disagreements.JMO.
  21. You would make a good politician pal,no direct response to the actual subject matter.Neatly sidestepped👍
  22. That's a bit of a strong statement to make yes/no.I assume you are joking?.I'm sure Ash and some of the other ladies on here will have an opinion on this. This is the 21st century pal in case you haven't noticed.
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