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Everything posted by moules

  1. Yes, theoretically. But if Holly took a test at the same time as Tweety, and Holly's test was negative, Holly may have boarded a plane with a companion. I do not think Holly would have gone to the Maldives by herself. Those who have listened to the conversation yesterday have only noted there is no sign of Holly.
  2. It won't be Radi. The Russians can save it for their second New Year. They have two: January 1 under the Gregorian (Western calendar) and January 14, under the Julian (old, Russian Orthodox) calendar.
  3. Yesterday, when Tweety was on Facetime and giving a tour of the hotel, I thought Holly was the one who was infected, and Tweety as a close contact was in quarantine. You then said that Tweety was the one who was infected. Under the quarantine rules in Dubai, if you are the person infected, your isolation is 10 days. If you are a close contact of an infected person, you are in quarantine for seven days. If the close contact person does not develop symptoms during that seven day period, that person is free to travel without a further test.
  4. Someone in B-1 has tested positive, or someone they have been in close contact with in the past several days has tested positive.
  5. Thank you for this post. This explains much. It is likely that this trip was planned before Holly and Tweety even moved to the villa. Tweety's hotel suite is likely the one that she and Holly were sharing before Tweety had to isolate herself. And this hotel is not a government quarantine space for infected travelers. As for Holly bringing only her small yellow suitcase, she probably planned on leaving Dubai with more clothes than she brought. (And she may not bring these back to the villa.) It is quite possible that Holly and a friend are in the Maldives As to when Tweety became infected, she could have become infected in Barcelona, and had a negative test before boarding the flight to Dubai. Possibly as they were in Dubai more than 24 hours, they had to be tested again before proceeding to the Maldives, and that was when she tested positive. As Tweety plans on returning on January 3, this could indicate that the ten day isolation period is calculated as starting on December 25. If so, that could indicate she became infected in Barcelona, or on the flight.
  6. https://www.dha.gov.ae/Asset Library/COVID19/Close Contact_EN.pdf I think everyone can agree that Holly would be a close contact.
  7. Tweety should be in isolation foir 10 days.. Holly, as a close contact, is in quarantine for seven days. If she has no symptoms after seven days, she is free to leave Dubai. If she can get a negative test, then she would be free to leave I have to assume this luxurious hotel where Tweety is staying is restricted to COVID positive travelers,
  8. This does not look to be a hotel where Holly used her AMEX platinum card.for the suite.
  9. For travelers who test positive in Dubai, If you have tested positive for coronavirus, you will receive a text message from Seha telling you to report to Mafraq Hospital's Prime Assessment Centre, near Baniyas, on the outskirts of the capital. On arrival, patients are registered to Salamtak, an online health portal, and will have a medical check-up. High-risk patients, such as the elderly, anyone with a chronic disease or people with severe symptoms, will take additional tests. These include heart monitoring, blood tests, and X-ray, and CT scan followed by consultation with a doctor to determine if they need hospital care. People with mild or no symptoms will be fitted with an electronic tracker watch and must quarantine for 10 days either at home or in a facility depending on their living arrangements. The requirement to wear a tracking watch was dropped for travellers. In Abu Dhabi, Covid positive patients can also visit the Prime Assessment Centre in Al Mushrif at Al Mushrif Wedding Hall. Anyone aged 60 and above, those with chronic diseases and people with symptoms who have been in contact with a positive case in Al Ain can go to the assessment centre in the Red Hall at Al Khabaisi daily from 8am to 10pm. Alternatively, they can visit screening centres at Asharej, Al Sarouj and Al Hili from Saturday to Thursday, 8am to 7.30pm and Friday from 10am to 7.30pm.
  10. Assuming the variant is Omicron, you will test positive three days after exposure, sooner than the other variants. They left on Dec 24th, and we don't know when Holly tested positive. Were they tested before being allowed to board a flight to the Maldives? If so, the test is very recent and Holly is stuck for ten days.
  11. It can be assumed that if Tweety had tested positive, she would not be allowed to wander around the hotel, or outside, like she has tonight. A question is whether Holly is isolating in this hotel or at another location. Tweety's hotel room does not look to be inexpensive.
  12. According to a document issued by DHA, close contacts are those who have been less than 1m apart for at least 15 minutes from someone with Covid-19, even if they were wearing a mask. People are also considered a close contact if they have been in direct contact in the two days before the person tested positive or during the 10 days of their illness. Close contacts must quarantine for seven days. The period begins two days before the confirmed case took a PCR test or showed symptoms. The period can end on day seven without testing if no symptoms develop. If symptoms do develop, the person must quarantine for 10 days.
  13. I didn't catch the make either, but I took it was an expensive car.
  14. I assume they both spoke in English. I did not know how fluent Tweety was in English.
  15. Tweety is in Dubai. From the Facetime, she is in either in a large hotel suite or in an apartment. From the elevator buttons, ithe number of floors looks to be in the low double digits.
  16. Rado said there is probably a positive test, so not going to Maldives. Tweety put a mask on and is giving a tour of the hotel, and the hotel grounds. No sign of Holly.
  17. Masha's Ryanair flight landed at 10:44, at the gate in Terminal 2 at 11:00. Masha arrives at the villa by taxi at 11:35 Masha gad no checked baggage.
  18. Radi and Karol do a wellness check on Mila, but Mila does not leave her bed.
  19. From what H&T packed, I doubt this was for a two week trip to Dubai and the Maldives. Holly had her small yellow valise and Tweety had a larger suitcase, but only half full. I doubt that either place would be a destination for them, unless they were invited. Holly's photographer friend / boyfriend(?). I admit I do not know how Tweety's visa for her stay in Spain is affected by flying out of the Schengen zone, and returning.
  20. From replay, just before H&T left, they took off the winter coats that they were wearing while on the balcony, and put on lighter jackets. So maybe a trip to Andalusia or Morocco, where it would be warmer? Replay buffered as they went out the door, but a man's voice could be heard picking them up. Perhaps a road trip with N&B?
  21. Radi is back in B2. She seems to have been shopping. I'm guessing she will sleep here, and not party with the other apartments.
  22. T&T left at 11:37. Two flights to Kyiv today, SkyUp at 14:00, and Ryanair at 15:05. SkyUp is a Ukrainian low-cost airline.
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