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Everything posted by moules

  1. Poor planning by Masha. First, if she was hoping to have some fun in T&T's bed, don't invite Polya to come back to the apartment. She is a non-participant and a fifth wheel. Valuable time was lost before sending her home. And while Polya was there, more drinking, which eventually leads to Holly no longer functioning, and going to her bed. And whatever plans Masha had for the evening, these should have been discussed with Tereza before returning to the apartment, and not negotiated when they are back in the apartment. Second, Masha in the shower was like a scene from a bad porn cartoon.. Nobody joined her. When Bonnie and Alex took a shower together in that same shower, L&R' were fixated on what was happening. Third Masha dressed modestly rather than provocatively. After the shower, back to bra and panties. Fourth, Masha was more interested in talking and telling stories than in touching or caressing. Fifth, if one is interested in top cam rankings, don't start anything when it is 0600 in Europe and 0000 in the Eastern U.S. With two more days for her stay, she has been upstaged by others, particularly the 'stranger' in B2 who gave naked massages to Lola, Anna, and Radi, with a little finger-play to boot. For all the complicated arranging by Masha and RLC to give her a stage in Barcelona, her performance so far has been a flop.
  2. it may be Polya. She was overdressed, so she is now wearing less, courtesy of Tereza's wardrobe, The quintet has been drinking.
  3. With Mila out of the way, maybe the plan is for Masha to visit B2, and the massage guy will again appear.
  4. I completely agree. But I also would have expected Bogdan's Spanish, after living in B-5, their own apartment, then B-4,,and now their own apartment again, would be a little more fluent in Spanish. When Radi had a male guest in the B-4 living room several nights ago, the conversation between him and the five girls who live in B-4 was in English. This was understandable because I believe one or two of the girls have little fluency in Spanish. When it was just he and Radi, they conversed in Spanish. Which also suggests that Radi is more fluent in Spanish than English, and her English is pretty good.
  5. Bogdan's Spanish is so limited that he and Bruno talk in English.
  6. I think the guy last night is a business associate of Radi. Not an associate in the usual sense, but they have a business relationship. Last night, Radi tries on three new pairs of jeans. One pair, heavily distressed, probably costs 500 euros, or more. The pair she was wearing, if the yellow emblems were embroidered and not sewn-on patches, also probably sells for about 500 euros. She has one other pair that may cost much more. My theory is that Radi is receiving a lot of her clothes for free, or at a heavily discounted price. In return, she is expected to wear these clothes at expensive clubs or venues in Barcelona. In other words, she is advertising the clothes she is wearing. This would explain her near-obsessive attention to her appearance. Last night, she leaves the guy sitting on the couch in the living room, and goes to her room, and spends maybe ten minutes, refreshing her makeup. I thought she and the guy were going out to a club. But no, they returned to having a conversation in the living room. When she goes out socially, she wants to be noticed. Not so much the center of attention, but someone whose presence is seen by nearly everyone at a club / venue, or even walking down Las Ramblas. You might think of her as an influencer without a YouTube channel. Some of her clothes are too expensive to be marketed on YouTube. This could explain her abstinence from any alcohol, --no falling down drunk for her. And certainly she has to have the figure to wear these clothes, which explains her intense exercising . No cellulite on that butt. And for those who think she should weigh a bit more than she does, she had trouble wiggling into one pair of new jeans last night. So I think this guy is one of perhaps several people in Barcelona who provide Radi with clothes in exchange for her wearing them Anyway, that's my theory.
  7. Holly has fallen asleep. Radi's friend got a cheek kiss at the door but then she walked out with him. He received more affection than Holly did.
  8. This is becoming all about Masha. I am thinking Holly has an equal chance of having sex tonight as Radi's male friend.
  9. I don't think Radi's friend speaks Russian. He spoke to Nana in English.
  10. I am surprised the German bf is not there. Maybe someone who knows more about the twins will explain why he is not there for their birthday. Unless there is another party tomorrow.
  11. IMO, Radi visits B-1 and B-2 frequently because she can 'play' there, and that helps her toipcam scores in the 'battle' with Leora. In B-4, the twins only play by themselves. 100 days and no other girl has joined them in their bath, nor have they joined in any massages. Nana is Nana, she won't play. And Karol is content to do solo shows. I was very surprised to see Radi be the first to strip nude and receive a massage from the male visitor in B-2. As she doesn't drink alcohol, she is always aware of what she is doing. No losing inhibitions from being under the influence. And she needs to earn bonus money to underwrite the cost of her wardrobe. while I cannot say for sure without seeing a label, one of her pair of jeans may cost the equivalent of the average monthly salary in the Ukraine. She has very good taste in clothes, but her wardrobe is rather expensive, and has been that way from when she first arrived in B-1, and unpacked.
  12. N&B were both at the villa today. Bogdan has an office at the villa.
  13. This time Nelly also put the massage table in the storage room. So she will return to the villa for more sessions. Perhaps the table was put away because there will be a large party at the villa this weekend.
  14. It was reported that this guy is a friend of Anna's and Anna rewarded him on another occasion with oral sex. He does not speak Russian.
  15. `Her parents have visited her in B4 and her mother visited her in B1. So they are also living in Catalonia. There is a relative small number of emigres from Belarus living in Spain, most came between 2000-2010, as workers were recruited from the Ukraine and Belarus.. Ukrainian emigres in Spain are more than 30x the number of Belorussians.
  16. She told the ticket agent her mother didn't want to spend another 500 euros. They may have worked out another itinerary, as Masha asked if all the flights were on Aeroflot. Interesting that the conversation with the ticket agent is entirely in English, so not an agent in Rome.
  17. I heard Moscow too. And then another city beginning with L. She at one point, asked if the tickets could be mailed to her. She has tickets and wants to change them. Maybe Holly will fly back to Rome with her, and apartment sit while Masha flies to Russia.
  18. Nelly being the aestheticism in the fitness room. She had left her lamp and her kit of instruments and lotions in the storage room, so this will be a regular routine. Bogdan is probably in the office.
  19. The flight was to leave at 21:55, so 1 hour 45 minutes. The actual flight time is usually about 1 hour and 20 minutes.
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