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Everything posted by moules

  1. Looking at replay, there are two lenses still on the table by the couch that were with his stuff as he was packing. I think they may be his. On his leaving, Mila was not there, she remained in her room. Lola was there bare-passed, and an affectionate kiss. Anna walked him out the door. So I don't know what's up with Mila.
  2. He may have left them for Anna. He may return. He had several long phone conversations away from the girls yesterday, looked to be business-related. If he does plan on returning, that may be what he whispered to Mila when she was semi-comatose in her bed, and the sex play was about to begin.
  3. And when he followed Mila into her room, he had an erection (which he did not have in the bathroom), which she saw as he was making a video of her and his massaging fingers. Confirmed that she had done some penis-grabbing under the covers in Lola's bed. I think the expectation on his and Mila's part was that he would fuck Mila later, maybe with Anna participating. But typical of Mila this stay, she consumes too much alcohol or too much drugs, or a combination of the two, and she crashes and burns by 0100 or 0200.
  4. Either outside or up to the roof. May be too much wind for the roof.
  5. Rasputin's photography equipment is still there.
  6. Hey Ashley, to clarify. The bf was fondling the twins genitalia, and they fondled his penis, flaccid and erect. No rubbing or fingering by either twin on the other. That was on-cam. What they and the boyfriend did off-cam can only be imagined, though it would not be unreasonable to conclude that although he was Lia's German boyfriend, he fucked both of them. When all three would sleep in B-2, before going to sleep, he would invariably play with Mia's titties before turning back to Lia. I concluded there was little likelihood of there ever being brightly-lit fucking on cam, and thought if they ever did it, it would be on the B-2 balcony at night, where there would only be the suggestion of penetration,
  7. They have done that to each other, and they did that to the German bf when they gave him a massage. No massages with the bf were fully nude. However, in the bath, all three were nude and there was genital fondling. I would characterize the touching as familiar, but restrained, that is, let's not get so excited that we start fucking on-camera.
  8. For those who believe everything is scripted, Mila leaving B-2 rather than be involved in tonight's party wasn't in the script. Also, it appears that Holly and her friend much prefer B-4 to B-1; there is a social life in B-4. The twins live in their cocoon, socializing only with Gina at this point. Whatever happened with the German boyfriend so that he no longer appears has resulted in their presence becoming a dull monotony. Put Rasputin in the same room as the twins and lock the door. Will the neighbors complain about the noise?
  9. Maybe if B-2 is getting topcam bonuses for these nights with Rasputin, no share for Mila if she is not playing?
  10. Well, I will say that Rasputin and Anna have fucked before this weekend. Anna recommended him to Lola, but no guarantee that Lola would want to fuck him. When it turned out that Lola was eager to fuck him, Anna got a condom for him to use when he fucked Lola. So Anna shares. I will note that he has brought changes of clothes, so prepared for a multi-day stay in B-2. The question is whether Mila is interested in being fucked by him, and whether he has enough petrol in the tank to give Mila the ride of her life. If he doesn't pack up his photographic gear this afternoon, another round tonight.
  11. Harley, this dude looks like General Longstreet with a shaved head. general+longstreet+csa - Bing WWW.BING.COM Find high-quality images, photos, and animated GIFS with Bing Images
  12. Harley, you missed him slamming Lola with the War Hymn on the playlist. Rough Tough Real Stuff BAMMM1
  13. Someone called him Rasputin last night. That's a good name for him.
  14. Anna seems to have a psychological block against actual fucking. Maybe a past event.
  15. Maybe they are off to visit N&B. Sign papers. 🤑
  16. The friend arrived with more clothes than H&A brought to B-5, and look how long they stayed.
  17. Holly and her friend left B-1. Destination unknown. The friend arrived with a different, much larger suitcase. So the suitcase that Holly took is not the one the friend brought to B-1
  18. I would say he is a professional photographer. With Mila, he seems to be taking photos for a men's magazine, rather than for a portfolio. Last night from replay, Mila first brought the covers to the bed, then she soon took off her panties, and she and this guy engaged in genital play under the covers. With Anna in her bed, there was brief penetration with Anna, on top, sliding along his cock and then putting it in.
  19. i think they have had sex in the past. From replay,on their second night together in bed, Holly went to bed nude, and the guest wore only panties.. ___________________ I also think this visit by Holly's friend to Barcelona was arranged about the time that Holly was in B-5 for a week Assuming she already had a passport, she still needed to get a long-stay visa. And how does Holly's male friend, the photographer, fit in all of this?
  20. My guess is that Holly's friend is already being paid. Just as Holly was paid for her week in B-5, and Lorraine for her recent time as a guest in B-4. And RLC paid U&O during their two weeks of hiding in Barcelona after leaving B-1. With all the recent moves, it would seem that Fiora and Harley are either in suspended animation or have returned to Russia. I expect by the end of this year, Holly and her friend will be in B-4 in Holly's old room. Holly's friend looks to be one of the few girls who can wear the clothes in Radi's wardrobe. I thought it a bit strange that U&O arrived in B-4 carrying most of their stuff in shopping bags, when they had arrived at B-1 with big suitcases.
  21. Mutual fingering, so a more advanced level of massage than the other night.
  22. Based on the embrace in the kitchen just now, they are not casual friends.
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