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Everything posted by moules

  1. As they are still in Barcelona, they are presumably still with the project, and will re-appear. And soon, as RLC is not paying them to be off-camera.
  2. Harley was not at the apartment when it went U/M Several minutes before going U/M, a man came to the door but could only be seen in silhouette, as he did not step inside. It was not Bogdan, his hair was curly like Bruno. Then just before going U/M, Fiora's friend arrived bringing a small valise and a backpack, and he and Fiora went straight to her room. B-1 is probably owned by RLC. However, it is likely there are association / condominium rules that apply to such apartments, one of which can be noise by tenants or residents, another can be use of the apartment, for example, not using the apartment as a business. It makes no economic sense for RLC to make improvements to these properties unless it owns them. For example, the sauna and very expensive bathroom installed in Bruno and Gina's apartment. Same for the alterations in B-5.
  3. They seem to be packing food, not kitchen utensils.
  4. So, their moving to another apartment in Barcelona is why RLC never characterized these girls in B-1 as GOV. Instead, B-1 was characterized as an apartment for long-term participants, like Bruno and Gina.. And it would make no sense for RLC to bring them to Barcelona for one month. If they are 'students', then a long-term visa. I was suspicious that RLC was working on a new apartment when Fior would take girls away all day. A reason for having the girls visit the new apartment would be to test the camera positions and lighting. Perhaps Masha's visit was originally set to coincide with the opening of the new apartment, but the grand opening was delayed. The new apartment is probably quite large, perhaps another villa, but smaller. B-1 will likely not be shut down given it as it was just repaired and repainted..
  5. Flight to Moscow on Sunday at 13:15. Flight to Kyev at 13:20.
  6. Masha and Holly leave at 17:35. Hugs all around. It seems Holly will go to the airport with Masha.
  7. No indication that H&A are leaving Rome today. So perhaps Masha will travel tomorrow. Her red coat is still by the hall door. With a new couple moving in today, there is no reason they could not have moved in a week ago, other than to give Masha a place to stay in Barcelona. Whatever Masha's goals or expectations were for this eight day stay, I have a sense these were not realized. Her visit was the occasion for the return of Holly, happy and enjoying a good relationship with her boyfriend. To me, that was the big plus of Masha's visit.
  8. As RLC sinks, so does camcaps. Even faster than RLC is sinking. According to Alexa, camcaps was ranked 89,000 on July 28. Ranked 364,000 on October 24. The top 'adult' site is chaturbate, steadily ranked at 47 for the past 90 days.
  9. Holly's boyfriend travels frequently on assignments. He has a real job. He would not be in an RLC apartment much, and subscribers would complain about he is rarely on camera. Holly and the boyfriend seem very simpatico, so I think they have known each other for some time. That said, Holly was not shy during her week stay in B-5. So it can be assumed he does not object to Holly being nude, or a nude Holly lying on top of Masha.
  10. You are correct. She arrived at B-5 about 15:00, on the 20th. This was the day that the plane for Masha;s flight was diverted.
  11. Botox for Radi? Courtesy of Mila.
  12. If I have the sequence of Masha's visits correct, her last visit she flew in her boyfriend at the time, and he was with her most of her stay. He departed and then she and Holly played one night under the covers in the fitness room. That apparently was the basis for pairing her with holly on this trip. If Masha's goal was to seduce T&T, what she didn't account for was Timur supposedly having more interest in Holly than her. As Holly lives in Barcelona, Tereza would not let Timur play with Holly because this might not be a one-time encounter. So if one was re-writing the script, it might have been better to have Masha stay in B5 by herself, and pay Holly for occasional visits. And remember, Holly was in B5 for two days with only T&T because Masha could not board her flight as she did not have the necessary Covid certificate. This meant Masha was playing catch-up in terms of the relationships.
  13. Radi nude in the living room. Anna and Mila asleep. Lola awake and kneeling by the bed in her room, with door closed. She seems to be writing notes.
  14. Masha on this visit has shown little real interest in Holly. When Holly was in bed with Masha and nude, Masha put a piece of clothing over Holly's bare ass so voyeurs wouldn't be distracted as Masha played her parade of songs. Imagine the reaction if Timur did this to a nude Tereza. Masha seems to have set the seduction of T&T as her goal for this trip. She must have known that would be a challenge, as she had more than two days in her apartment with H&A to be debriefed on T&T. Holly was nude more in B5 in the days waiting for Masha's delayed arrival than she was in the days subsequent. And it appears from the limited clothing that Holly brought, that she will again leave the project once Masha departs.
  15. Accepting what he is saying is true, RLC won't give her an apartment by herself (she is too much of an alcoholic). She is insecure, possibly a manic-depressive, and fears that she cannot find another man, or woman, to live with her. And without another person in this apartment, she will be kicked off RLC. Bruno plays to her weaknesses, but, at times, it gets to be too much. Sites like these (including MTV 's Real World, and Big Brother, etc.) thrive on drama. If drama doesn't occur, they will manufacture it.
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