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Everything posted by moules

  1. She took the chair and stool from the storage room, but then discovered that having them in her room meant she had less space for her clothes. I think she planned on bating in the chair, closer to the cam, and take topcam points from Leora.
  2. There is IT equipment in the office, which is why you don't see any servers on the webcams. There is also a printing press for Euros, which Bogdan uses when the participants need to be paid before leaving Spain. And a bathroom. And they used to have a big chair for lapdances, which Radi borrowed briefly. And there are large windows looking off toward Barcelona.
  3. secret lovers can enter and leave the office out of view of any cam, except 2-6, if the shade is up and the light is right.
  4. The door to the room leads to the stairs to the office, rumored to be the scene of orgies, drug-fueled debauchery, and private shows for the owners of RLC. .
  5. The question now is, who is the penthouse reserved for? IMO, has to be a 'star' if Holly was given the smallest bedroom in B-1. Unless Holly will move to B-4 with the 'star'?
  6. And looking at replay, Daniela is asleep as B-4 goes U/M for the arrival of Buffy. Not a positive sign if they are friends. If Buffy arrived from Transylvania, she apparently did so by train. No flight arrivals shown for Barcelona between 00:30 and 06:30. And no checked baggage tags on the valises. Slipping into Spain like E & T. With the arrival of Buffy, there goes the theory suggested by some that the four exiles from B-1 would wind up in B-4.
  7. From replay, no net loss of clothes. They brought three bags and a new winter coat, and took away two.. Probably an exchange of summer clothes for winter clothes. Her wardrobe has been years in the making.
  8. Funniest moment in B4 in a long time was Holly being given a tour of Radi's clothing emporium. @22:47
  9. Radi is the Imelda Marcos of bags. She may have more handbags than the villa has cameras.
  10. Nelly still makes guest appearances on the project, drinking with Gina. When N&B had their own place after moving out of B5, they would visit B5, and it seems the L&A and Kim would visit them at their place, and not to talk about the theories of Hegel and Marx.
  11. She visited B4 after she left B4, mainly to see B&N. A warmly received visit.
  12. Radi with 15-20 kilos of food, mostly vegetables. Another reason she will not move to B-1. The refrigerator there is big enough for only her.
  13. November 1 is the vigil of All Souls Day. Celebration of the dead, cemeteries.
  14. The VHTV guy, you mean Andrei Boiko, born 1972. He was in Bulgaria before Putin's crackdown. RLC subscription payments from outside Russia were never remitted to a Russian bank or clearing house. That money was always held in the 'West', which is why there is an off-shore business incorporation in the British Virgin Islands, for tax purposes. But there is no physical headquarters in Tortola, with producers of RLC scripts sitting at desks, or texting Bogdan. Interesting that the UK address for Andrei is the exact same address for an Ukrainian software company.
  15. Harley was not seen when former B-1 was moving out, so maybe she will not appear in B-4.
  16. It was active when I pinged it a month ago. It is quite easy for Russians to do business and own property outside of Russia. See: Why are rich Russians so obsessed with buying up London property? | Cities | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM As more and more well-to-do Russians shift cash into London real estate, Stephen Moss heads to Moscow to investigate
  17. This is the name and address of a registered agent, not a company headquarters for RLC. Interesting that the address Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive, Tortola, leads back to Paradis Holding Ltd., same post office box # too, which is a holding company for two other companies, one of which is Stalingrad Shipping Ltd. Must have nostalgia for the old USSR. Tortola is a major tax haven. The British Virgin Islands have incorporated nearly 40% of the worlds offshore companies and has formed over 600,000 companies since its began forming non-resident companies. None of these off-shore companies have a headquarters in Tortola.
  18. Do you live in the United States? Do you know how difficult it would be for American owners with headquarters in the United States to operate a large number of apartments in Russia, employing Russians, and relying on Russian IT infrastructure? Northern Virginia is a major hub for network connectivity for the WWW. So web addresses there can be misleading. Proof would be to look up the business name in the corporation filings for the state of Virginia. ------------- The host server from the DNS probe was Miks Telekom, 7, Ulitsa Butlerova, Moscow. I was very surprised I did not get a mirror site. The Miks servers are next door to Special Correctional School No. 1708. Must be a lot of delinquents in the Russian Federation.
  19. The registrar for reallifecam.com is located n Denver Colorado. A reason for a Russian-owned company not to be headquartered in the U.S., is that the U.S. government often seizes assets of such companies.
  20. And many of these DNS servers act as mirrors. The host for RLC; DNS server in Moscow is a telecom company.
  21. Yes indeed. Move tomorrow. Radi doesn't move back because her move would take five days.
  22. If a company was headquartered in the United States, they absolutely would not keep their DNS server in Moscow.
  23. The DNS server for RLC is located in Moscow Russia. It is located next door to a school for teens who engaged in criminal behavior. What better place to recruit new participants?!. This is the most important server in IT infrastructure. Frankly, I am surprised the owners did not move it out of Russia after Putin's crackdown. I have read posts here saying that RLC headquarters is or was in the United States. Never happenerd, of that I am certain. Posters may have confused the address for the domain registrar, and most of these companies are located in the U.S.
  24. The big advantage for Russians (or Ukrainians) to own these apartments is that Spain then gives them 'golden visas' which allows them to travel freely within the the Schengen zone, and between the Schengen Zone and Russia (or the Ukraine). Very, very valuable. RLC's investment in IT infrastructure has cost more than these apartments, except perhaps the villa. Someone posted that the B-! girls would be studying in Spain. Good for them, and smart thinking by RLC. Students studying for a period more than three months can be given a Long Stay Study visa by a Schengen Zone country.
  25. If someone is shown as leaving the project, it does not always mean that they left. Gina was shown as leaving the project on April 20, and then rejoining the project in a new apartment on April 23. If these four girls were truly leaving the project, they would have flown back to Moscow, which they didn't.
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