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Everything posted by stanley

  1. Looks like the livingroom cam has moved at some point. The first picture is how it used to be - with the edge of the column in view and the whole couch. The second picture is how it is now with the cam pointed more toward the window.
  2. Well if they have brought in this guy to join the project they need to think again. If he's that shy that he can't shower without moving the cam then he has no future there.
  3. For once no buffering for me. Hope they move to the bedroom because leg view or head view aren't the best angles.
  4. The do nothings had 11 cams, 8 of which went to Freddy and 1 went to Jeff/Violet. So Jeka should still have another 2 spare without having to remove a bathroom cam from his own place.
  5. My problem with the Freddy apartment is that there are long periods of inactivity when I'm awake and then the action happens when I'm asleep. If Freddy had guests over for fun at normal times like in the evening then I'd be more active in this thread. So I'm here ready for a Sunday afternoon watching VHTV and both gay apartments are empty.
  6. Todd and Chad were out all day and then entertained Serena in the evening. So they were too tired for a fuck session and had an early night. Although not too tired for a blowjob before sleep.
  7. What's the thing about the Russian's on VHTV taking separate vacations to their partners. Peter has been gone for weeks, now Phil has gone away. We've recently seen Drew go away without Bree. In the past James went away leaving Chloe behind and later Chloe left for a couple of weeks leaving James behind. Nina went away for a few days leaving Alan behind. I'm sure there are more examples. It's not like any of them have jobs and have to go away on business. My parents have been together for 50 years and never vacationed separately. I don't know anyone else that does this. Is it a thing that's common in Russian or just a VHTV thing?
  8. There's 150 in the queue now. Problem will be that when they are released, a lot of the early ones will go unnoticed as they will be immediately on page 10. It would be better if they released them every hour. They have 24/7 staff on support, maybe they could train the support staff to be able to release them. Or better still why have them awaiting for approval at all? They could just be released as soon as they are created, it's not like they need to approve the content as all the videos are from what's gone out live and is still available to watch from the timeline.
  9. I thought VHTV said a while ago that all the old style cams had been replaced? Wonder why Jeka didn't use the cams from the old Dora , Xenia etc apartment, I don't recall any of them being this poor quality.
  10. Wish they would do something about living room cam 3. Not sure if it's out of focus or just a poor quality cam. @Jeka&co is there anything you can do to improve it?
  11. Brilliant, loved it. I have made an archive moment of it. I wonder if this was inspired by my suggestion for Freddy to do a sexy dance in the bath like Linda/Carrie.
  12. He used to have a pet but had to send him back because he couldn't house train him. I think his name was Jeson
  13. They are all still in the release queue, there's well over 100 videos waiting to be released now.
  14. It must be Serena's first visit as Todd gave her a guided tour of the apartment. I love how Serena made the effort to dress nicely and Todd's just wearing his boxer shorts.
  15. Serena has dropped in for an after midnight visit, she's all dressed up too.
  16. Looks like the party's cancelled - they deleted the tweet.
  17. I noticed that yesterday for the first time. I looked back in the archives and the camera angle has changed, the picture below is how it used to be
  18. They don't seem to have a problem at RLC with camera's in saunas - Efim/Anabel and Marco/Stesha both had cameras in their sauna from day 1. If they don't want to have camera's in the sauna then a) don't get a house with a sauna or b) don't use the sauna.
  19. Congratulations Alan. But who is the mother Nina or Serena?
  20. Todd loves sucking Chad's big toe
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