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    • Good to see that Medusa is learning from Leora on how to get viewers.

    • 7 hours ago, Amy3 said:

      Since the beginning, VHTV catered to Jabbath’s mindset. His involvement will always lead to Vanillaville. The forum is beyond stupid at this point because it too caters to Jabbath’s mindset. The golden era of internet voyeurism is dead and gone. What’s left is nothing but boring ass deadbeat camstars barely fulfilling their contracts and hustling for just enough views to get by on. It’s completely transparent and such an obvious scam that it’s embarrassing. The main players on the forum are clearly so jaded that they can’t even think of something to say anymore. They’re like those old losers who take over a corner of a bar clinging to some pointless status, while the rest of the people in the bar sneer at them like the fools they are. Apparently the bulk of the people who do post think they are a comedian or something. Practically every post is some low brow attempt to be funny. The deluge of pictures grinds the forum to a crawl unless you’re connected to a WiFi point. Don’t even bother trying to scroll a thread any faster than a post at a time or it will crack. Most of the time I visit the forum I last about 2 topics before I die of boredom. It’s the same thing over and over and over again. Overall 1/10. Boring Jabbath and Friends snoozefest! Zzzzzzzzzzzz

      Well said. VHTV realms/apartments/participants and the VHTV Forum are both crap and not worth even a bit of curiosity.

    • Leora Looks beautiful with glasses 

    • 13:45 Grand Master moron is sick again doing the 'Uncle fester' imitation...man that guy looks almost dead and what is Lazy B wearing ??  is there a hooker convention in Praque? that's floozy, even for her.

      Big Boobs GIF


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