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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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8 hours ago, Sergio said:

I'm worried a little, it seems to me that if the level of beauty of new girls is that of Vasilisa expect hard times

yeah rlc can be so stupid...sophie has clearly shown interest in women... rlc needed a beauty..dont know where is Caro... instead they bring in Arya stark

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il y a 5 minutes, Ash1 a dit :

Je suis d'accord, il n'a pas été agréable de voir. Helen a été très chanceux qu'elle n'a pas été blessé et, à en juger par son comportement après, je pense qu'elle savait aussi cela. 

Yes I followed Helen after her fall and I think like you she must have thought she was lucky

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If by chance some person can communicate with these girls, he can tell them that it does not matter to make this farce for us, they can go to work in the disco even before so maybe they earn more money

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Any idea who Sophie went out with..?? she was setting up the plan yesterday on phone...she was talking in english so i thought it was that norway guy...but today she was talking in russian on phone, right before she left...what a guy that was....left his flight for sophie...

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