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Lisa & Em - Part #1

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Well I have to congratulate Lisa for her initiative in inviting this group of people around.  It is progress from sitting alone and has prompted views, comments (both favourable and not so good) and feedback. I think the speculation of those that were viewing (me included) was interesting if a little hopeful. There will always be subscribers that are not happy with the way events turn out but hopefully their demands can be met at other apartments where the residents have a lot more experience in this environment. It is still early days for Lisa and small controlled steps towards where you want to be will pay in the end so I think she can be satisfied with the evening. I will still be tuning in regularly to see how this apartment develops. In fact the only downside was the extended downtime which was beyond her control. I think we all know what did or didn't happen during the offline phase but there might always be that slight doubt ::). I do think that Lisa needs to take control a little more over what is happening, people turn up and they seem to take over a bit at times. I hope Lisa gains some self-confidence from this and relaxes more in these situations.

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1 minute ago, Arkay2 said:

Well I have to congratulate Lisa for her initiative in inviting this group of people around.  It is progress from sitting alone and has prompted views, comments (both favourable and not so good) and feedback. I think the speculation of those that were viewing (me included) was interesting if a little hopeful. There will always be subscribers that are not happy with the way events turn out but hopefully their demands can be met at other apartments where the residents have a lot more experience in this environment. It is still early days for Lisa and small controlled steps towards where you want to be will pay in the end so I think she can be satisfied with the evening. I will still be tuning in regularly to see how this apartment develops. In fact the only downside was the extended downtime which was beyond her control. I think we all know what did or didn't happen during the offline phase but there might always be that slight doubt ::). I do think that Lisa needs to take control a little more over what is happening, people turn up and they seem to take over a bit at times. I hope Lisa gains some self-confidence from this and relaxes more in these situations.

I agree totally, man you sure know your stuff. ::)

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