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Lisa & Em - Part #1

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2 minutes ago, MajorVoyeur said:

Let's see if he's able to finish off his plate. The last couple of lads she's cooked for didn't have any appetite. :cool:

If he wants Lisa for a coulpe of session's he may need hi strength.

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6 minutes ago, fasterboss said:

and hopefully it will open the appetite for sex, hope it is not another failed night

I agree but, Lisa has a little bit of OCD which is getting in the way at the moment. It is admirable that everything has to be done and in its place but sometimes it is better to leave it for a little while. This means that emptying the washing machine, doing the dishes and clearing the table are not exactly setting the mood this evening. Cannot fault her for wanting the place nice but there is scope for relaxing the rules a bit where appropriate. Plenty of time to catch up with all of that tomorrow.

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