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Clara & Stas - Part #1

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4 minutes ago, martyen said:

Jabbath there are two Carol in my family and they are two girls. You talk about RLC and Karol was a very special girl for me, I really liked this girl.Now Camarads also has a girl with the name Karol.Just to say that for me Karol is associated with a girl.  but as Sparkles says it can be that this half couple will not come back anymore


I may have said that but i'm not hoping that :biggrin:

Come it's just a name.. In my country my name also can be given to girls so... no problem

Other example... John and Mary John 

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il y a 11 minutes, Sparkles a dit :

Je l' ai dit cela , mais je ne suis pas en espérant que  :biggrin:

Come c'est juste un nom .. Dans mon pays , mon nom peut également être donné aux filles donc ... pas de problème

Autre exemple ... John et Mary John 

as I said in a previous post Karol is a mixed first name. it's just that I know girls with this name. Same for (Valery) (Valerie) or just Paul with an E it's feminine

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it looks like, another failure. I felt a bit like on a roller coaster, ups and downs and suddenly boom, finish. Money must be a problem, pretty sure guest girl always comes back home with nothing. they should be paid for events otherwise no one will like to participate the manner we want. Even Misty can't find a girl because vhtv wouldn't offer anything to her unless she becomes regular tenant with another flat to pay for. Fucking nonsense. And I don't blame the people, who of us would like to work for free? it seems like that system doesn't work properly when on a party of two or more couples only one of them is paid ( probably underpaid which is worsening situation ). Correct me if I'm wrong, but money is the biggest issue here I reckon.

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The guy was all over Clara. Clara would have fucked the guy if Stas and the guest girl had vanished for a few minutes. Stas tried to force the other girl to fuck him but she would have none of it.She wasn't ready to go further.

Some Pics...






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