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The view from cam 7 remains the same. Sadly, Jeka doesn't care about this apartment anymore. He never posts here - he does post in threads for his other apartments. We were told that the faulty wire would be replaced yesterday and we are getting to the end of Tuesday and nothing has been done.

With manager George doing nothing with the Todd/Chad apartment and Jeka neglecting the Freddy apartment, the gay apartments are getting a raw deal at the moment.

We need some gay apartments run by a gay manager who understands the gay market and has a passion and commitment for his gay apartments.green2.jpg

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I've just looked at @Jeka&co posting history and the last time he posted in the Freddy thread was on October 15th. Despite being asked questions, us begging for him to fix problems, Jeka has not posted here in over 2 months. During that period he has posted in the Jeff/Violet thread, in the Pavel/Alice thread and is currently frequently posting in the Viki/Kate thread. But this thread holds no interest for him.

Come on @Voyeur House TV we deserve better than this.

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Like I said from the beginning, there's no interest about this apt for them... Look at the different, Viki and Kate (first lesbian apt) have a great apt with excellent cams and today they installed another cam in the shower (excellent view). Here if we're lucky we can have support fixing problems... BTW, I thought tweet posts for lesbians apt were in the gay twitter account, instead they are in the main twitter account. This is what I always thought: discrimination!! The idea to create another account on twitter was only to hide gay images for the world... Because seeing two girls kissing is not a problem, but two men kissing is a always a problem -.-' 

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Good day, 
Thank you for your email and interest in our project.
The camera worked fine. The problem has appeared again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Manager promised to fix the problem tomorrow.
Thanks for your time.


If he doesn't fix this cam tomorrow, this will be me 👇


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6 minutes ago, broxman said:

Good day, 
Thank you for your email and interest in our project.
The camera worked fine. The problem has appeared again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Manager promised to fix the problem tomorrow.
Thanks for your time.


If he doesn't fix this cam tomorrow, this will be me 👇

GIF-scream-Donald-Glover-anger-angry-screaming-GIF.gif  0   4.67 MB

He just was some hours ago at other house of him that everything was working fine,that time should had been expended in this one that have an cam not working constantly for days.

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