Maturin Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 The only way to sensibly discuss the difference between science and religion is if both parties have an understanding about both subjects. Religionists prove time and time again that they are unable and unwilling to grasp the rudiments of the scientific method or basic logic, and regularly come out with things such as, "OK then, so explain why if there are humans then we still have monkeys, you can't, hah, God and I win again! Fuck your "evolution!" There is literally nothing you can do to argue with someone who serenely states that the evidence and data in front of them is not real and that they believe the narrative of a 2,000 year old tribal myth put together by vicious barbarians in order to justify the genocide they were carrying out in that region at the time. Religionists can believe whatever they want, so long as their beliefs do not cause harm, hardship or suffering to others. When this happens then the belief systems underlying their negative actions must be treated as an illness and these people should be removed of any influence and power invested in them. I don't believe in God, not just because there is no evidence to justify a belief in God but for two other main reasons; 1) The people that most vociferously claim that they are doing God's will are generally downright nasty bastards that will definitely be waiting behind until that camel passes through the eye of a needle before they get into heaven - see Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens, Jihadists, Evangelical Snake Oil preachers, The pedophiles in the Catholic Church, the Crusaders etc etc. 2) There is literally no point in giving God any credit for the good things we see about us unless blame is also apportioned to the all seeing, all powerful being for the bad shit too. In which case, fuck God in all his incarnations. What a capricious, jealous and immature little prick that guy must be. The universe, reality, is an awesome place full of majesty, wonder and mystery that we are only just starting to understand clearly. And it might well be that our current understanding is a dead end and in 40 years some new scientific or mathematical apparatus will give us a much clearer picture of how we came to be here and what makes everything tick. That's how science works - it uses the best tools available at the time to improve our understanding of reality and also improve our existence within it - it is entirely down to science that we are having this conversation now, if it was left up to God then we would still be living in caves or wandering the savannah totally at risk to the elements, disease and predators. 1
Maturin Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 On 01/11/2017 at 1:10 AM, eagleb1 said: We are ignorant? Read a freaking book if you want to know the answer to your naive questions. As I said before, I recommend books by Richard Dawkins. You should start with "The Blind Watchmaker" and "The God Delusion." If you have questions after that, we'll try to help you. You have warned me multiple times about trying to rationalise with this individual We know he won't read those books even though you've given him the best advice he's probably ever recevied. I'm just waiting for one of them to say, "Hang on, I have read it and in my opinion Professor Richard Dawkins, FRS, FRSL, emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, is talking a load of horse shit." 1 1
ipiratemedia Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 On 11/2/2017 at 8:59 AM, Oeemmm said: The Human is only so unique, because it thinks it is unique. We assume we are the only ones with thoughts, who question our own lives or can speak. That's because we are not able to fully understand other animals. Except we already know there are some animals who are labeled as intelligent and with a proven self awareness. Why shouldn't they also ask themselves who they are, where they came from and where they will go? In fact: we don't know. Yet we assume they won't, because they're animals and we are humans. And humans are special. Mostly because we killed all other species, that were evolutionary at a certain level, like the neanderthals or several other pre-human races. The spiritual need of humans comes from the fear, that everything in life is random. We came from nothing and we will go back to nothing. No sense, no afterlife. Not quite a happy future and the reason to fear death. Since our minds are not able to fully understand the universe, our planet and ourselves, religion in any form is some kind of excuse, some kind of easing. It makes up some reason (different based on religion) and some goal, whether its honor, rebirth, luck or some kind of heaven/hell thing. And it gives the believe, that there is something or someone able to fully understand and control the universe. And if we can't, this has to be some kind of god or gods. I by myself am strictly against every kind of religion, especially the religions that came out of the jewish, because they're not even made up for good reasons, but to control people in foreign regions. But i do believe, that there is some greater power, maybe some kind of god or many gods. A Power, that gives a shit about everything regarding individual species, but keeps an eye on the whole. Some power, that kills humans, because they'Äre a damn virus, destroying their own planet and erase other species for no reason. Because, if there is a god, like monisms see it, why should he only be there for humans, caring only for them and support them? If there is a god, humans have to be its biggest enemy. This world we live in, has been and will always be the DEVIL'S playground. The day we were born, was a miracle in itself, and the day we know the difference between right and wrong is the day we are ALL judged. The problem is we are all spiritually blind to the truth because we have used our minds to justify, fabricate, others beliefs. Why? because I'm a Dallas Cowboy fan. Simplicity at it's best. What is the truth? what do I believe in, or what should I believe in? Does anyone believe in the Devil? Lucifer, AKA - SATAN. He is the one who creates all the chaos in this world of constant confusion. The Wars, Religion, Science, etc. Without knowing the attributes of your enemy, how will you defend against him? You can not just ignore him as though he were not real, for he is definitely real, every bit as real as GOD Himself. Satan is a fallen angel. Prior to his fall, Satan was known as Lucifer. The name Lucifer means “star of the morning” and “shining one”. Lucifer was God’s chief cherub angel. A cherub angel is God’s highest ranking angel. There are only three cherub angels named in it's entire Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer. Cherub angels hold the responsibility to protect the holiness of God. They possess indescribable beauty and power beyond anything the human mind can conceive. "LET ME REPEAT MYSELF," "beyond anything the human mind can conceive. Lucifer is described as being full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, full of talent, and near to God. Unfortunately, this highest ranking angel of God fell. He sinned against God and was, therefore, cast out of the presence of the Lord for eternity. Satan is a person. As stated above, Satan is a fallen angel. Angel’s possess personality, intelligence, will, and emotion. Satan has all of the properties of personality, he has the ability to plan, communicate, and make choices for us. He is held accountable for all of his actions by God. All his names. Lucifer, this is Satan’s name prior to his fall, it means “star of the morning” and “shining one”. Wish I already stated. Satan. This name simply means adversary. An adversary is an opponent, rival, or enemy. (No need to Google) The devil. This name means slanderer. A slanderer is someone who makes a false, malicious statement, especially one which is injurious to one’s reputation. "Wow" is that an attribute or what? The prince of the power of the air. This refers to Satan as he dominates his worldly human subjects, MEANING WE. The god of this age. This is simply a reference to Satan, revealing his rule over the present darkness of this world. (It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.) The king of death. This means that Satan has the power of death. THE POWER OF DEATH!!!!! The prince of this world. This means that Satan is the ruler of this world. (NOT WE) The ruler of darkness. This name reveals Satan’s rule, authority, and COSMIC power over the present darkness of this world. Leviathan. This name is a description of a powerful Dragon-like creature. (Like the one in your dreams)) This is another name used for Satan, the accuser, the deceiver. This name reveals Satan as one who lies to trick or mislead us to believe what he wants us to believe. (Remember, "beyond anything the human mind can conceive.) Apollyon. This name means a destroyer. A destroyer is someone who causes damage beyond use or repair. ( The Broken Heart, Like Mine!) 13. Beelzebub. This name for Satan means “the lord of flies,” or “the lord of dung,” or “the dung-god.” (They made her a Star of a Movie, to create FEAR) Belial. This name is the personification of all that is evil. (A personification is a form of figurative language in which something that is not human is given human characteristics. The wicked one. This name reveals that Satan is evil or mischievous by nature. ( I HATE YOU!) The Tempter. This name reveals that Satan does provoke to cause people to do wrong. ( "oops") The accuser of the brothers. This means Satan charges or places blame or fault as followers of God. An angel of light. This name reveals Satan as a deceiver. (Not Again) A liar. This name reveals that Satan intentionally gives false information. (Religion, Evolution, Etc.) A murderer. This name reveals that Satan deliberately kills. (Babies, Animals, and Humans) The enemy. This name reveals that Satan is hostile, feels hatred, opposes the interests of, and intends to hurt God Himself. (Like Us) And lastly, a roaring Lion. This name describes Satan’s destructive threat. ( What it's the world like today?) Satan is a fallen angel and angels are spirits. A spirit is an immaterial being. "Like all other angels, Satan is very limited spatially; he can only be at one place at a time. He is not omnipresent like God. Like angels, it is possible for Satan to materialize in human form. (Possession). Satan will never die, he is immortal. This is another characteristic of angels that Satan possesses. Therefore there is nothing that you as a believer or Non- believer can do to destroy him. God created him as an immortal being. Ponder this, if Satan displayed himself by openly showing his true character than it would be obvious for all to stay away. Instead, he makes himself look as though he portrays good attributes in order to lure you in, therefore, he imitates both God and the Church, Science, and other things. I believe that this is why you see so many heretical religious groups because Satan has imitated God and led the religious group into the worship and following of a made up God. Thus they are in the hands of Satan and not God. I don't expect everyone to heed my words, but it's the truth. No man or anything non-human is going to make a Monkey out of me. I planted the Seed, it's up to you to water it, and pray, that God will make it grow. Peace! 1
eagleb1 Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 2 hours ago, Maturin said: You have warned me multiple times about trying to rationalise with this individual We know he won't read those books even though you've given him the best advice he's probably ever recevied. I'm just waiting for one of them to say, "Hang on, I have read it and in my opinion Professor Richard Dawkins, FRS, FRSL, emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, is talking a load of horse shit." I should follow my own advice. I ignore most of these ignorant comments from people brain-washed from birth to not think for themselves. Please remind me anytime I succumb and reply to the latest rantings. 1
SPYING 1 Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 2 hours ago, ipiratemedia said: This world we live in has and will always be the DEVIL'S playground. The day we were born, was a miracle in itself, and the day we know the difference between right and wrong is the day we are ALL judged. The problem is we are all spiritually blind to the truth because we have used our minds to justify, fabricate, others beliefs. Why? because I'm a Dallas Cowboy fan. Simplicity at it's best. What is the truth? what do I believe in, or what should I believe in. Does anyone believe in the Devil? Lucifer, AKA - SATAN. He is the one who creates all the chaos in this world of constant confusion. The Wars, Religion, Science, etc. Without knowing the attributes of your enemy, how will you defend against him? You can not just ignore him as though he were not real, for he is definitely real, every bit as real as GOD Himself. Satan is a fallen angel. Prior to his fall, Satan was known as Lucifer. The name Lucifer means “star of the morning” and “shining one”. Lucifer was God’s chief cherub angel. A cherub angel is God’s highest ranking angel. There are only three cherub angels named in it's entire Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer. Cherub angels hold the responsibility to protect the holiness of God. They possess indescribable beauty and power beyond anything the human mind can conceive. "LET ME REPEAT MYSELF," "beyond anything the human mind can conceive. Lucifer is described as being full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, full of talent, and near to God. Unfortunately, this highest ranking angel of God fell. He sinned against God and was, therefore, cast out of the presence of the Lord for eternity. Satan is a person. As stated above, Satan is a fallen angel. Angel’s possess personality, intelligence, will, and emotion. Satan has all of the properties of personality, he has the ability to plan, communicate, and make choices for us. He is held accountable for all of his actions by God. All his names. Lucifer, this is Satan’s name prior to his fall, it means “star of the morning” and “shining one”. Wish I already stated. Satan. This name simply means adversary. An adversary is an opponent, rival, or enemy. (No need to Google) The devil. This name means slanderer. A slanderer is someone who makes a false, malicious statement, especially one which is injurious to one’s reputation. "Wow" is that an attribute or what? The prince of the power of the air. This refers to Satan as he dominates his worldly human subjects. (FEAR) The god of this age. This is simply a reference to Satan, revealing his rule over the present darkness of this world. ( It is the Light that frightens us) The king of death. This means that Satan has the power of death. THE POWER OF DEATH!!!!! The prince of this world. This means that Satan is the ruler of this world. (Not Us) The ruler of darkness. This name reveals Satan’s rule, authority, and COSMIC power over the present darkness of this world. Leviathan. This name is a description of a powerful Dragon-like creature. (The one that you believe haunts us in the DARK) This is another name used for Satan, the accuser, the deceiver. This name reveals Satan as one who lies to trick or mislead us to believe what he wants us to believe. (Remember, "beyond anything the human mind can conceive.) Apollyon. This name means a destroyer. A destroyer is someone who causes damage beyond use or repair. ( The Broken Heart, Like Mine!) 13. Beelzebub. This name for Satan means “the lord of flies,” or “the lord of dung,” or “the dung-god.” (They made her a Star of a Movie, to create FEAR) Belial. This name is the personification of all that is evil. (A personification is a form of figurative language in which something that is not human is given human characteristics. The wicked one. This name reveals that Satan is evil or mischievous by nature. ( I HATE YOU!) The Tempter. This name reveals that Satan does provoke to cause people to do wrong. ( "oops") The accuser of the brothers. This means Satan charges or places blame or fault as followers of God. An angel of light. This name reveals Satan as a deceiver. (Not Again) A liar. This name reveals that Satan intentionally gives false information. (Religion, Evolution, Etc.) A murderer. This name reveals that Satan deliberately kills. (Babies, Animals, and Humans) The enemy. This name reveals that Satan is hostile, feels hatred, opposes the interests of, and intends to hurt God Himself. (Like Us) And lastly, a roaring Lion. This name describes Satan’s destructive threat. ( What it's the world like today) Satan is a fallen angel and angels are spirits. A spirit is an immaterial being. "Like all other angels, Satan is very limited spatially; he can only be at one place at a time. He is not omnipresent like God. Evidence supports that angels must travel from one place to another. (Not my Evidence) Like angels, it is possible for Satan to materialize in human form. (Possession). Satan will never die, he is immortal. This is another characteristic of angels that Satan possesses. Therefore there is nothing that you as a believer or Non- believer can do to destroy him. God created him as an immortal being. Ponder this, if Satan displayed himself by openly showing his true character than it would be obvious for all to stay away. Instead, he makes himself look as though he portrays good attributes in order to lure you in, therefore, he imitates both God and the Church, Science, and other things. I believe that this is why you see so many heretical religious groups because Satan has imitated God and led the religious group into the worship and following of a made up God. Thus they are in the hands of Satan and not God. I don't expect too many would care what I say, but it's the truth. How I came to this Conclusion, was Simple. I became an Atheist. I hated GOD, for taking my Mother at a young age, I curse him and threaded anyone who would speak of him. I've done almost everything a man can ever Imagine. I was that guy, who knock on doors, and brought fear into many hearts, until a wise man, share with me, The Greatest Story ever told. But, that didn't change my mind or attitude, until War, made me and others believe God those exist and the Devil. Between Oct - December, of 2010 Company I - L - K we lost a lot of Marines, ambushed. I was one of the few survivors. I realize, right there and then, I was going to die, all that hate and tough guy persona left my soul, as I watched and witness horror, beyond anyone's, beliefs or comprehension. I cried out to God, believing I was going to be dead in seconds, while listening to screams of men crying for their Mothers, Fathers and Love ones. We knew we-we're going meet the same faith. God intervenes, I can't explain it, it just happen. A calm came over us, and then "HELL came to Breakfast." Air support, Tanks, Grunts.(infantrymen) I can't explain it because we never heard them coming, as if they appeared from nowhere. I am a changed man today, even though, I can be difficult, and I only care for one person, I hope one day she can find it in her heart to just say Hi. I Love Women! (Not Porn) I never asked to be in a War, I just wanted to make a difference. I share this with you, not to receive pity or any thank you. I share this with you because it happens and No man or anything non-human is going to make a Monkey out of me. I planted the Seed, it's up to you to water it, and pray, that God will make it grow. Peace! A video, of my fallen Brothers, who died for your freedom, whether you believe it or not. Their names are listed at the end. Hopefully the blind will see, before they die 2
StnCld316 Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 56 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said: Hopefully the blind will see, before they die That would be nice. 1
Amy3 Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 4 hours ago, eagleb1 said: I should follow my own advice. I ignore most of these ignorant comments from people brain-washed from birth to not think for themselves. Please remind me anytime I succumb and reply to the latest rantings. When you read “Does God Exist” by Hans Kung, I’ll read yours. 2
Maturin Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 6 hours ago, Amy3 said: When you read “Does God Exist” by Hans Kung, I’ll read yours. From Amazon, the blurb from Does God Exist, Hans Kung:Does God exist? Who is God? And can we ultimately trust in any reality? These questions have been among the greatest subjects of human speculation since history began, but not until modern times has the reality of God been so strongly called into doubt. In this monumental study, written for men and women of all faiths (and of none), Hans Kung, the most renowned and controversial theologian in the world today, first traces the rise of modern atheism in the works of such great thinkers as Descartes, Pascal, Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche and Freud, and then demonstrates--brilliantly and in terms that make sense to us today--why a ""yes"" to God remains a more reasonable and responsible belief than its alternative, nihilism. Straight away, without even buying the book, from only reading the back cover, it is obvious that he is lying to his audience. Atheism is not nihilism. The difference between these two concepts is very easy to describe and understand: Atheism is the rejection of religious belief. It is the unwillingness to surrender to an authority that is unproven, untested and immutable. Nihilism is the rejection of meaning in existence; nothing matters anyway because we're all gonna die in the end. It is absolutely irresponsible to defer matters that affect our existence to the "teachings" of the Bible or the word of God, a book that is wholly unreasonable in the correct sense of that word. Existence is full of emergent meaning for all of us; family, friends, career, sport, arts, the self, the community etc etc. These meanings are shared by all of us no matter our religious or lack of religious belief. There is no motivation to read this book based on that blurb because I can 99.9% guarantee that it will be filled with the same rehashed pseudoscience and cod-philosophy that people who feel threatened about atheism come out with all the time. I'm willing to accept that I may be wrong about that assumption however, so if you don't mind could you please write a short summary of how he demonstrates that "Yes to God," is the best choice to make? 1
eagleb1 Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 9 hours ago, Amy3 said: When you read “Does God Exist” by Hans Kung, I’ll read yours. Amy, how can you support a belief system that rejects your life choices based on a book written thousands of years ago by primitive men? 1
aussiegary1965 Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 29 minutes ago, eagleb1 said: based on a book written thousands of years ago by primitive men? which book are you referring to??? and which primitive men who could write a book??
eagleb1 Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 5 hours ago, aussiegary1965 said: which book are you referring to??? and which primitive men who could write a book?? Leviticus written by con men with an agenda. 1
SPYING 1 Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 15 hours ago, Amy3 said: When you read “Does God Exist” by Hans Kung, I’ll read yours. How can these CC members doubt Amy's knowledge & faith, The atheist will never find happiness, true family love or fulfillment of life without The LORD GOD 2
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