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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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9 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

All 4 were getting on just fine this morning doing their naked cleaning...:biggrin:

I don't believe Renata will be here much longer so she'll be spending time with her BF...IMO...::)

it's strange that after a while they do not recognize the moments of the show, I did not see it, but from what I read, it seemed to me a time when girls should show themselves to make people happy spending their money on this site, I'm glad you support Renata, it's worth it

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On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎21 at 2:49 PM, vahid said:

renata and victoria kiss

(Video Content No Longer Available)


On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎21 at 2:55 PM, vahid said:

renata and victoria kiss

(Video Content No Longer Available)

vahid, these two files are gone already. Could you possibly use myairbridge or
another host and upload them again, please? Thanks if you can. Thanks for
trying if you can't.

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4 hours ago, Sergio said:

it's strange that after a while they do not recognize the moments of the show, I did not see it, but from what I read, it seemed to me a time when girls should show themselves to make people happy spending their money on this site, I'm glad you support Renata, it's worth it

Kannst du die nicht mal was neues einfallen lassen, du wiederholst dich ständig !

Ist es dir noch nicht aufgefallen, dass du ziemlich allein mit deiner Meinung da stehst !
Jeder weiß, dass hier Mädchen für Geld arbeiten, aber trotzdem wollen Andere und ich diese Show sehen.


Can not you think of something new, you keep repeating yourself!

Did not you realize that you're pretty much alone in your opinion!
Everyone knows that girls work for money, but still others and I want to see this show.

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