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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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logo.pngDecember 6, 2017
  • Luci and Kust joined the project as a couple on vacationDEC 05
  • Yana and Ricky left the projectDEC 04
  • Olivia and Nick broke up and left the projectDEC 04
  • Adriana and Daniel will be out of town from 7 December until 11 December
  • Sam will be home on 11 December


  • There were some issues with our re-streaming servers in North America.DEC 05
  • A problem with the electricity in the apartment of Victoria, Neia, Beatrice and Dominica. It might be necessary to shut the apartment down temporarily in order to upgrade the electrical and heating systems.DEC 04
  • There were various kinds of problems (including the RLC Replay playback issues) with the house that was recently added to the website. Unfortunately, they had not been found prior to launch. We apologize for the inconvenience. It may be necessary to shut the house down again temporarily in the near future. Thank you for your understanding.DEC 04



We value your trust and support in times of troubleshooting and reward you with 5 (five) additional days of RLC Replay subscription.

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Il y a 4 heures, moos54 a dit :

que ce soit dans n'importe quel pays francophone, je comprends pas l’Intérêt de ton message précédent en fait 

tu parle d’électricité et de chauffage par rapport à B4 alors que toute les pièces sont allumées et que les filles sont pour la plupart d'entre elles en sous vêtements 

d'où mon message précédent :biggrin:

Un problème avec l'électricité dans l'appartement de Victoria, Neia, Beatrice et Dominique. Il pourrait être nécessaire de fermer temporairement l'appartement afin de moderniser les systèmes électriques et de chauffage. 

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Just now, tamani said:

Un problème avec l'électricité dans l'appartement de Victoria, Neia, Beatrice et Dominique. Il pourrait être nécessaire de fermer temporairement l'appartement afin de moderniser les systèmes électriques et de chauffage. 

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ok mais c'est b2 pas b4 pour les problèmes électrique  :biggrin:

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5 minutes ago, ed2 said:
There were some issues with our re-streaming servers in North America.DEC 05
A problem with the electricity in the apartment of Victoria, Neia, Beatrice and Dominica. It might be necessary to shut the apartment down temporarily in order to upgrade the electrical and heating systems.DEC 04
There were various kinds of problems (including the RLC Replay playback issues) with the house that was recently added to the website. Unfortunately, they had not been found prior to launch. We apologize for the inconvenience. It may be necessary to shut the house down again temporarily in the near future. Thank you for your understanding.DEC 04
LMAO  it sounds like y'all are going to be without B2 and B4..........Merry Christmas!!!!
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Thank you Karol...She's offering us a bit more each day, like she did the last time!...Except she's overtaken her stay back then already,:biggrin:...Some here don't think we'll get any more from her...I just think we have to be little patient and she'll deliver...I love it regardless...:heart:

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there 5 minutes HarleyFatboy said:
there are 15 minutes ed2 said:
There were some problems with our re streaming servers in America North. December 5
A problem with the electricity in the Victoria apartment Neia, Béatrice and Dominique. It might be Necessary to close the apartment temporarily to upgrade electrical systems and heating. December 4
There were different types of problems (including problems reading Replay RLC) with the house that was recently added to the website. Unfortunately, they had not been found before launch. We apologize for the inconvenience. It may be necessary to close the house again temporarily in the near future. Thank you for your understanding. December 4
LMAO looks like you all are going to be without B2 and B4 .......... Merry Christmas !!!!

white handkerchiefs will be out :biggrin:

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