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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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14 hours ago, euromike69 said:

Creo que tener dos mujeres durmiendo en la misma habitación, con sus camas una frente a la otra está causando un gran problema ahora, y continuará causando un problema masivo junto con una gran cantidad de quejas en el futuro para RLC. Las únicas 2 mujeres en este momento que parecen no hacer nada en absoluto, son Roxy y Asty, ¿podría ser el problema el hecho de que ocupen el mismo espacio sin privacidad? ¿Esto afectará a otras chicas en el futuro que compartan esta habitación? A menos que sean 2 chicas a las que no les importa follar o masturbarse con alguien en la misma habitación, esto tiene y va a ser un problema importante.:dodgy:

I do not think they are there, by chance, reason, no idea, but I'm sure RLC will know it, and you'll see, because that way you can earn money.
Maybe, the problems, if you can call it that, will come from Nora, now we could call it jokingly "the one that steals bodies" in bad plan of extraterrestrial films of the 70s ... since she has I have abducted Karol from B4, from what I understand, the two of them left together, and nothing more was known about Karol ...
And so it seems neither RLC, knows if Karol has left "Vacation" to the Virgin Islands or any other exotic place ... lol
It is simple irony.
But the appearance of Nora in the house has coincided, that she gets together and sleeps with Karol, and the little girl, disappears in full parties ... leaving her partner, as you all write, as out of place ...

Happy Holidays.

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