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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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3 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

LOL he might have sinus issues and couldn't smell pussy.....:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I don’t believe she cared to have him between her legs, at that point and time. She only cared about doing it behind his back with excitement of not getting caught and in return, the audience loved  it...:cool:

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1 minute ago, ipiratemedia said:

I don’t believe she cared to have him between her legs, at that point and time. She only cared about doing it behind his back with excitement of not getting caught and in return, the audience loved  it...:cool:

Great Stuff again by the Queen of RLC.

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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

The guy is highly intelligent, but stupidity can take different forms, as far as I am concerned if a beautiful girl is pleasuring herself less than ten feet from you, and you don't respond or realise it, then you're stupid. It's not a matter of whether he is a master of sex or not, that's irrelevant.

You're missing the point. He's not interfering for the good of humanity. He knows we want to see her not him.

It was very reminiscent of 2 years ago when she used to play games. When he finally made his move, if he wasn't angry, she would sometimes lose interest. It was a definite game she was playing. She doesn't do that any more so I don't think too much to the situation. He was busy and just let it go and she did not seemed too fussed by his lack of participation. He's always known this has gone on and is just relaxed about it. Again none of us have been with The Goddess for a quarter of our lives or more. He has. I am sure he does get excited but the timing was wrong.

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58 minutes ago, ipiratemedia said:

I don’t believe she cared to have him between her legs, at that point and time. She only cared about doing it behind his back with excitement of not getting caught and in return, the audience loved  it...:cool:

I believe that was always a factor, even if as I believe he probably was aware, she felt the danger however faux it was.

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7 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

I believe that was always a factor, even if as I believe he probably was aware, she felt the danger however faux it was.

Just to be clear you can let your imagination take over and get lost in the moment. It is why people roleplay. They know they are not sleeping with a superhero or a policewomen or that the other person has not really kidnapped them and by the same token although The Goddess knew he knew it didn't stop her pretending he didn't. I remember when she orgasmed as he came through the door. I am sure she told herself he didn't know what happened but nevertheless rushed straight to the shower with a soaking inflamed pussy. He knew but didn't spoil her illusion which deep down she knew.

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6 hours ago, ipiratemedia said:

Poor Paul hated by many, and yet it goes unnoticed in his own home. In my opinion, it's more of a high to a woman, knowing most of them only care about the CAMS and themselves which is a good thing, considering it's what RLC wants and expects for their viewers. Paul is NOT an idiot, and wouldn't waste his time reading nonsense. He's focused on his future, with or without her and he's aware of everything that goes on around him, to let you believe, otherwise. He gives her enough rope to hang herself, and when it happens, all of you perverted dreamers dreams will come true, no more Paul. 

Every month when I tune in, I noticed something different. Ethier, she's educating herself on the Arts of Perversion, or she has Daddy Issues. Most men like to visualize female masturbation. But they also want to feel like they’re contributing to their orgasms, by telling them, how to touch themselves and to play into the narrative that she’s now more satisfied than ever. A woman in a relationship is likely to underestimate how often she massages her vagina. She’s dependent on self-stimulation, but that masturbating is fun and exciting in its unique way. 

Today Women are waiting a long ass time from the point they go through puberty and become interested in sex to the point they’re considering procreation. That means there’s a lot more room in the modern lady’s life for sexual experimentation, which you the viewers are enjoying before she even thinks about making babies. And guess what? A lot of women are making the best of it. That’s why you hear so much about hookup culture amongst the twenty-something set. It’s a real phenomenon with a biological explanation. So it’s not unlikely that your girlfriend may play around for a while, and she might even be generous with blowjobs, or a little more willing to lower her standards to get laid. Just don’t expect her to admit it. More than anything else, it reveals the trust in their relationship. Which in my opinion, there isn't one, only convenience, so don't believe everything you see or hear! 

NOTE: Please reframe from calling, or mentioning to anyone, Male or Female that they are FAT. It may be that your correct, but it's not cool! Women are vulnerable to these type of phrases. Sometimes we have thoughts that are supposed to stay on the inside of us instead of saying them out loud. Calling somebody "fat" is one of those thoughts. Because in the real world, some people are fat, and there's no denying it. Yes using a word like overweight is "better," but that is probably not in her vocabulary, and let's be honest, it wouldn't be much better for her to be called overweight out loud either. And it is as simple as that. Peace Joey :cool:

I agree with you in regard to the final paragraph Joey, Personally I don't think she is overweight at all, it's as I have remarked before, when she first appeared in our lives she was no more than a child with the body of a child, but now she has developed into a fully fledged beautiful woman with the body to match. Like most women she is no doubt concerned about certain aspects  of her body that she might not like as much as others, but I don't see that she has a problem at all, I think she used to have a friend from England who used to advise her on how her body was looking and developing, but I don't know if she is still in touch with that person, but in all honesty I don't see anything for her to be concerned about, and she should ignore anything from people who think otherwise.

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27 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Just to be clear you can let your imagination take over and get lost in the moment. It is why people roleplay. They know they are not sleeping with a superhero or a policewomen or that the other person has not really kidnapped them and by the same token although The Goddess knew he knew it didn't stop her pretending he didn't. I remember when she orgasmed as he came through the door. I am sure she told herself he didn't know what happened but nevertheless rushed straight to the shower with a soaking inflamed pussy. He knew but didn't spoil her illusion which deep down she knew.

Sounds feasible BB, but only if you are right that he knew.....what if he didn't ? I concede that the time he nearly caught her was probably known to him, but this one.........???

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3 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Sounds feasible BB, but only if you are right that he knew.....what if he didn't ? I concede that the time he nearly caught her was probably known to him, but this one.........???

This was on the basis that at some point he turned round as reported on this board but I must admit I do not know that for certain as I was not going to switch away from Kitchen Cam. The decision to change the angle on that has proved a master stroke by RLC. It is a pity they haven't had the sense to move their logo to the top right and make it smaller, but we can't have everything.

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3 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

I agree with you in regard to the final paragraph Joey, Personally I don't think she is overweight at all, it's as I have remarked before, when she first appeared in our lives she was no more than a child with the body of a child, but now she has developed into a fully fledged beautiful woman with the body to match. Like most women she is no doubt concerned about certain aspects  of her body that she might not like as much as others, but I don't see that she has a problem at all, I think she used to have a friend from England who used to advise her on how her body was looking and developing, but I don't know if she is still in touch with that person, but in all honesty I don't see anything for her to be concerned about, and she should ignore anything from people who think otherwise.

I have to totally disagree that she's had a body of a child while I have been watching. Indeed her curves have always been magnificent. And what does that mean anyway. Look at Ilona who had tiny curves but was in her late twenties and now she has augmented herself. Then Kitty who is to thin in my opinion has also felt the need to make the same choice. I do mention them because I still fancy them a lot and yet The Goddess has always been a fuller figure than them at least in my recollection. Maybe you are talking about 2013 before my time.

I would have said The Goddess has had a perfect body. Now there has been widening in certain areas but to me just as sexy as ever. She is not remotely overweight. I think everything that is talked about here is relative to her past rather than comparing with the rest of the female population. In comparison to the rest she is magnificent and many on RLC are models and they do not have better bodies than her.

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I've just taken a look at the Goddess from late 2014. Her figure was undoubtedly thinner than today but not by much. Her thighs are heavier today than a few years ago and are actually heavier than only a few months ago. I think Leora has stopped working out (certainly within the apartment). She has stopped her ballet workout and even stopped shaking her booty to her headbanging music. 

I hope she doesn't settle for anything less than perfection. All women are susceptible to weight change but the pressure on them to always look their best is immense. I think when we men are used to looking at perfection (as the Goddess certainly is) we judge from that point. Any slip from perfection is immediately visible. The fact that the top of her thighs are bigger than before moves her from the prefect 10 to 9.5!!! If Leora was a 5 and slipped to 4.5 no one would notice or even care. Perfection is the highest standard. Anything less can only disappoint!

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