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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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The apartment threads allow for diversity of logical and thought-out opinions. People will disagree; that's natural. And even though you are a fricken' cat, we woodland creatures know you love Leora, and we want you back as a Camcaps member because you will throw the empty lasagna bowl at high speeds when trolls appear.

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4 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

The apartment threads allow for diversity of logical and thought-out opinions. People will disagree; that's natural. And even though you are a fricken' cat, we woodland creatures know you love Leora, and we want you back as a Camcaps member because you will throw the empty lasagna bowl at high speeds when trolls appear.

I am not just any fricken' cat oh lord and master, I happen to be the Puuuuuuuffect fricken' cat, who I know the Goddess thinks is cute......

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We Mods like our apartment threads to be clean. I'm supposed to be unbiased on my judgements, but it's a bit difficult for me when dealing with this Leora thread. I know she's obsessed with keeping her apartment clean, and as for wiping up your fricken cat hair when you shed in this thread is a pain in the ass, but I also notice a hell of a lot of black hairs and white hairs that have to be tossed along with it.

No brown squirrel fur, however. Leora should love me best. But the Cat must stay.

Now, when's the next appearance of the Goddess? Little squirrel waits with fierce anticip...


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8 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

We Mods like our apartment threads to be clean. I'm supposed to be unbiased on my judgements, but it's a bit difficult for me when dealing with this Leora thread. I know she's obsessed with keeping her apartment clean, and as for wiping up your fricken cat hair when you shed in this thread is a pain in the ass, but I also notice a hell of a lot of black hairs and white hairs that have to be tossed along with it.

No brown squirrel fur, however. Leora should love me best. But the Cat must stay.

Now, when's the next appearance of the Goddess? Little squirrel waits with fierce anticip...


Tis true you are, the black and white hairs are indeed from my stinking friend who tries to interfere with things, but my good friend Eva can't stand his odour around her mistress , so tries to rip the hide of him.

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30 minutes ago, Prodog said:

Squirrels, Skunks, Cats ...

Please remember what kind of creature Miss L has decided to stay in her home. :shy:


Now listen Prodog, Its not good form Old Chap to return to the forum after a period of absence, and telling what you believe is the truth, and what I, and I am sure some members of the forest community would call a flagrant ( not fragrant Pepe ) distortion of said truth. For isn't Pepe's place in her pantie drawer, whilst mine is out of site at the far end of the Living room where she sits sometimes looking at her phone and stroking her favorite pussy ( ME )  and not most peoples idea of thier favorite pussy, The rat with a bushy tail ( Foamy ) just does what Foamy does,almost invisibly. So my conspiratorial canine.enough of this foolishness....behave yourself, or its back to the pound for you.:sleepy: 

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1 minute ago, Pepe said:

I don't understand why you others can't come to terms and except the fact that the Goddess is in love with the black and white striped one. 

And I am not talking about a zebra. 

The Little One is far too refined to be attracted to an odorous object like you, have you not noticed how hygienic she is......whereby if you look at the habits of your feline friend, always cleaning oneself.....I say no more.

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6 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

The Little One is far too refined to be attracted to an odorous object like you, have you not noticed how hygienic she is......whereby if you look at the habits of your feline friend, always cleaning oneself.....I say no more.

Yes she's a very hygienic that's why she has you around to put a stick where the sun don't shine and use you to dust the furniture. 

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