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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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7 hours ago, Pepe said:

I want to apologize for the little rant yesterday just feeling a little frustrated that's all I will say on that. 

Look I do understand why but I waited a long time before I ever saw her bate from behind which is what I really wanted to see especially given it showed off her best asset. She still hasn't done that very often compared with her usual bates. 
I seem to remember when she started the dancing which I had always wondered why she didn't do especially when she enjoyed it so much with her friend everybody absolutely loved it so I don't want her to go backwards. One thing we know is that she is become bolder and more experimental but I have always seen differences. Maybe the arse shaking has become a bit much - she can't even dress without doing it but nor do I want these dances or these kinds of bates to stop because they are a fantastic sight.

And it is nothing like a porn/cam site because this is The Goddess and whatever she does means so much more.

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11 minutes ago, Pepe said:

I for one was not dissatisfied with or how or how often for me it was something that just didn't seem right. It's hard for me to explain so I will leave it at that. 

No need to explain - I really do understand.

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20 minutes ago, Pepe said:

I want to apologize for the little rant yesterday just feeling a little frustrated that's all I will say on that. 

I on the other hand do not apologise for my support of your rant, You and I have been on this forum long enough, and have,contrary to what one individual might think, made many friends, whom I at least have grown to respect, although sometimes having a different opinion on a certain matter than them. Its been said numerous times that its opinions that make this forum, as long as they are not disrespectful to the tenants....which I might add were not disrespectful although critical.What I would apologise for though is upsetting BB, We all know how he is about certain things and I didn't go out of my way to piss him of..My apologies BB. My views today are no different than they were yesterday, In fact, from yesterday's response from a certain individual, came the realisation that perhaps in the past I was too quick to jump on people that had a different opinion to myself or indeed the majority, and if I was anything, I was guilty at those times of being over zealous with my protection of Leora, and to those people,with the exception of those who totally disrespected her, I would unreservedly apologise. Its never been hard for me to admit to being wrong,but only if I am wrong....

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Leora appeared to be in a somewhat somber mood upon awakening. But, it did not take Eva too long, with her antics, to get laughter, and smiles from the beautiful lady.

We will see what she has in store for us today.

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8 hours ago, huberss said:

Serve che qualcuno vada a fare visita!!!    Sarebbe sogno vedere swinger con Leora e Paolo

Leora & Paul are not socially active. In all the years since Leora and Paul have been on RLC, I have only seen her girlfriend, a female relative or co-worker, and the pizza guy. Contrary to popular opinion, there have not been any lovable furry woodland creatures visiting that apartment, either. :sad:


Leora & Paul no son socialmente activos. En todos los años desde que Leora y Paul han estado en RLC, sólo he visto a su novia, una pariente o compañera de trabajo, y el tipo de pizza. Contrariamente a la opinión popular, no ha habido ninguna criaturas de bosques peludos adorables visitando ese apartamento, tampoco. :sad:

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After looking at Leora for 3 years, I notice a change not wanting to fuck, slowing down, her face is aging. Initial discovery at the one apt. before the dog and before this apt., Leora was fucking the nose picker several times a week in the dark.  Leora was a hose monster and now just wants to retire to that cam 8 crafts room and give some rubbing here and there.  Is there a chick Viagra?

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5 minutes ago, Suckfootsoles said:

After looking at Leora for 3 years, I notice a change not wanting to fuck, slowing down, her face is aging. Initial discovery at the one apt. before the dog and before this apt., Leora was fucking the nose picker several times a week in the dark.  Leora was a hose monster and now just wants to retire to that cam 8 crafts room and give some rubbing here and there.  Is there a chick Viagra?

Actually there is it's called Levitra, but I don't think she needs that, her sex drive is very strong. 

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