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Lisa & Em - Part #2

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Now, i understand why Lisa didn't want to have sex with this guy (#4) on cams. He's like  #2 and #3. The funny thing is that they all have something in common, a tiny penis. 

I can understand her disapointment after the sex.  But this is karma.



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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

Looks like he came on her belly under the massive blanket in the dark. Boy, this guy has a long, long way to go. At least she's trying. I hope she can speed up his comfort level with the cams soon.  


The first night Grant wouldn't touch Lisa. Second night, some progress. Third night blanket sex. He is ramping. Give him some time, I expect he will do okay.


They both love each other. He is the one. I am happy for Lisa.


But still I don't think Grant can finish the jigsaw puzzle. It is a very hard one. Even harder than having sex with Lisa :biggrin:


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