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55 minutes ago, Just In said:

IMO religions started more problems than they solved but this isn't the right place to bring up this debate.:cool:

Thank you, it's a debate thaat wouldnt change anyones existing opinion s, like the gun debate

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47 minutes ago, zoifan said:

The problem is that religions are constantly being abused by hustlers and people who misunderstand the religion.

I bet all ISIS or Taliban followers believe they are doing the  right thing and they will go to heaven guaranteed. I know you argue that they are not doing any religion thing, but the question is that why religions are being constantly misunderstood?


Religions were helpful a few thousand years ago.  But today, religions cause more harm than benefit.


The struggle of good and evil within every human leads to the deliberate misinterpretation of religions to disintegrate from their principles, to justify mistakes and to rest the conscience until the mistakes becomes religion,isis ignored principles in islam that rejected what they did and adopted other principles that they interpreted to serve their goals and persuaded others to join them the new mechanism believed to do things to serve religion , The clash of religions, civilizations, economic hegemony and the presence of clerics throughout the ages using religion to control people is a major reason for the decline of religion as the primary source of principles that serve people's lives

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5 hours ago, Just In said:

If you are still pondering what happend to Sia and panties here you go. :cool:


ScreenHunter 51.jpg

Looking now at the timeline and I see, with some surprise that in the end Em and Sya ended up not being the fake we were drawing days before.::)
Neither Sid nor the guest Bob.

So the first step was given or better, resumed and thus it is still possible to have hopes for this place.

I was already worried that Anna's legacy to this place would be misrepresented.:cool:

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7 hours ago, x1000 said:

alcohol  ,advices from other like misty and dean :biggrin: ,watching porn,watching other apartment‘s activites and self provment needing  make  it  all


i think they will be invited to a party in other apartment soon to improve and invest the sitiuation

sure with sexual participations

Well, I still await, now with greater (and renewed) hopes the continuation and finalization of it.



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