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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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2 minutes ago, Frankster said:

Gina bating a few days ago?

...and the day after that, and the day after that...and the great one this morning...Not strange at all really, now...:biggrin:

Gina bated in B1 last time several times, although nothing like now..The twins haven't, not on cam, anyway...This isn't a go at the twins, btw, cos I love them...If they aren't comfortable bating for thousands of guys and gals like us, that's fine...:heart:

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World-class bending My Super Sexy Belle:heart:.

However I'm just not sure what's up with the light tonight but everything's been a little bit grainy. However I thank both of you girls Attractive Avi :biggrin: and My Beautiful Belle:heart: the Superb for their superb display tonight :biggrin::biggrin::heart::heart::biggrin::biggrin:

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