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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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2 minutes ago, martyen said:

good evening everyone I just connected to RLC and it's very nice to see all the girls together, even Tiana is there. My first impression was to see a painting of Leonardo da Vinci girls version.images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVQ-1S_rBwVqZDXb8IPsF... I see a lot of positive things tonight Sofie is talking to Tiana Amina talking to Naomi I'm not expecting anything to be disappointed but I hope a lot stephanie+plateau+le+cene.jpg... I will go to confession later

I hope you've got replay Marty?...The girl's did all this stuff before and are winding down now...:wink:

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1 minute ago, RAGNAR said:

Funny how monica doesn't sit with sofie and naomi.

Maybe she dosen't feel beholden to them.... or..Sofie and Naomi do not sit with Monica...

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2 minutes ago, adamneve said:

Maybe she dosen't feel beholden to them.... or..Sofie and Naomi do not sit with Monica...

Because unlike with Naomi,,,Monica does as she pleases,,and is not being controlled by Sofie.::)

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1 minute ago, adamneve said:

Indeed... I just hope they go easy on her..in the jacuzzi..

Seriously, at the moment, I just think she wants to enjoy herself and I've seen several times tonight that she looks slightly nervous. I'm not sure if she wants another night like that just yet...

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4 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

My Belle:heart:, Amina and Nica drink another shot. I do wonder if Rosie and Belle were trying to persuade Jasmin to let them have her room tonight with guests. 

I think they were

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